In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, even Tabantha Tundra contains a few Korok Seed locations. However, you’ll want to grab Cold Resistance Armor or meals before you get these Seeds because they are in a region with extreme cold.
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Tabantha Tundra All Korok Seed Locations

- Break the acorn on a chain that’s in one of the teardrop symbols in the Geoglyph. You’ll likely encounter the nearby enemies given how close they are to the acorn. I cleared out their small camp to make it easier to aim at the acorn.
- This time the acorn you need to break is inside the log. I use Ultrahand to outline it in orange while searching, even if I can’t move it with this ability.
- Stand by the pinwheel at the top of the mountain and pop the balloons that it spawns.
- Grab the boulder and put it in the holder made from a tiny tree.
- Use the nearby materials and fix the structure so that it has a roof over the statues.
- Find the pot hanging from a chain in the ruins and break it with an arrow.
- Climb up the cliff and lift the rock to reveal a Korok.
- Stand by the pinwheel at the top of the pillar and pop the balloons it spawns.
- Grab the boulder and place it in the holder made of a tiny tree.
- Go to the Forgotten Temple and find a small passage in the trench, then lift the rock inside of it.
- Enter the Forgotten Temple and look for the tree in a wall, then lift the rock to reveal a Korok.
- Now head to the top of the Forgotten Temple and use Ultrahand to complete the block puzzle.
- Reunite the Korok with its friend.
- Find the statues with the bowls in front of them, then place an Ice Fruit in the empty bowl.
- Find the Korok Platform under the stone overhang, then use Ascend on it.
- Use a nearby stone to fill in the missing piece of the stone shape on the ledge.
- Activate the Korok Platform on the mountain and glide to the Landing Pad without touching anything else.
- Lift the rock that’s in the Geoglyph to find a Korok.
- Lift the rock on the little hill to find a Korok.
- Examine the sparkles moving in the sunken area of land.
- Reunite the Korok with its friend.
- Use Ultrahand to complete the block puzzle.
- Use a nearby stone to fill in the gap for the stone shape on the ledge.
- Look for the acorn in a hole in the tree and break it.
- Climb the labyrinth wall and go to the farthest corner to find a pinwheel. Stand by it and pop the balloons it spawns.
- Use Ultrahand to move the boulder and place it in the tiny tree holder.
- There’s a Korok Platform tucked under a jutting out piece of the cliff that you need to use Ascend on. I had a lot of trouble finding it at (-0994, 3084, 0200) because it blends in with the rocks.
And with that, we’ve gone over all Tabantha Tundra Korok Seed locations. Check out the rest of our Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guides here on GameSkinny. To find out how to get all the TotK Korok Seeds, peruse our other Korok Seed locations:
- Akkala Korok Seeds
- East Necluda Korok Seeds
- Eldin Koron Seeds
- Faron Grasslands Korok Seeds
- Faron Sky Korok Seeds
- Gerudo Desert Korok Seeds
- Gerudo Highlands Korok Seeds
- Great Hyrule Forest Korok Seeds
- Hebra and Tabantha Sky Korok Seeds
- Hebra Mountains Korok Seeds
- Lanayru Great Spring Korok Seeds
- Mount Lanayru Korok Seeds
- North Hyrule Field Korok Seeds
- South Hyrule Field Korok Seeds
- West Necluda and Lanayru Korok Seeds
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Published: Jun 22, 2023 06:23 pm