Booth Babes: Let’s Make Them Something More

What if booth babes were more then just a pair of boobs slapped in a outfit and thrown on a stage?
This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

We have all seen the typical booth babe that ranges from totally decked out and fitting a theme to the clearly pandering to the lowest common denominator.  Many men and women have shown love and disdain for them.  

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For me, I just never got them and honestly took them as what they seemed: a pair of boobs standing by a game.

I know, I should burn in a fire for not thinking these girls in skimpy clothing are worth more. But from stories I have heard, they don’t offer much else in the way of even knowing the product they are advertising.  I bet there are plenty proactive booth girls that go out and do some quick research on the game they are standing at.  Kudos to them because you are just being helpful and doing something you are most likely not getting paid for. But then why would they need the other people managing the booth?

The problem with booth “gals” is that they are put up there to look pretty, get pictures with people and get an easy amount of cash and modeling experience (I would think).  It is not to twist the minds of men and corrupt an otherwise saintly haven (I mean, what are conventions for other than selling people on products and ideas?).

I propose a different approach to how we should take care of the babes of the booths:

Let them run it!

There are plenty of smart pretty girls out there that are open-minded.  If you take them in, teach them about the product, give them an outfit match the theme and send them out there, how bad could it be?  The product is getting its views and drawing attention to the booth.  

Also, while on this, put in booth dudes.  Get men in there to attract a female audience.  The game industry is not a place for shut-in males anymore and hasn’t been for a while.  And don’t lie, ladies, you enjoy nice pair of sculpted abs or a sweet Spanish accent every now and again.  But just like with the girls, make them theme appropriate for the booth.

All in all, booth babes do not need to get banned or dramatically changed, just make them meet the themes of booth and understand the product.  Honestly, I love getting a conversation on with a girl about games.  Keeps my obviously predictable male mind off her boobs.

No really!

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Image of Reilly C.
Reilly C.
I like video games so I talk about them! Works for me!