Am I what you expected?
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I am Morana, and I bring you the gift of suffering.
Let me kiss you with my dagger and watch your heart bleed for me.
Do you feel my poison cutting through your veins? I thought so. It’s delicious pain is it not?
I am enjoying it.
I can tell that you love me and are afraid.
Do not worry. Our love will be consummated. I will consume you.
Here, look to my staff for comfort and see how I keep my other loves by my side.
Are you cold? Good.
Now I will draw you to me and by your death, rise more powerful and beautiful than ever.
Hello again my love. Now you will always be with me.
Getting the Look
Armor Pieces:
- Demon Masque
- Nightmare Mantle
- Conjurer Chest and Pants
- Apprentice Gloves
- Magician Boots
- Deathwish
- Godskull Kris
- Zhaitan’s Reach
(not visible in photos)
- Midnight Red
- Abyss
- Olive SilkWrath
- Shale
- Squash
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Published: Aug 7, 2013 03:51 am