Here's the complete list of all the cards in the Pokemon TCG Scarlet and Violet set.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet TCG Complete Set List

Here's the complete list of all the cards in the Pokemon TCG Scarlet and Violet set.

The Pokemon Trading Card Game is heading to the world of Paldea with its first set, Scarlet and Violet. The set contains 198 cards, with another 60 Secret Rare cards on top of that. Here is the complete set list for Pokemon Trading Card Game Scarlet and Violet.

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All Card in Pokemon TCG Scarlet and Violet


  1. Pineco
  2. Hereacross
  3. Shroomish
  4. Breloom
  5. Cacnea
  6. Cacturne
  7. Tropius
  8. Scatterbug
  9. Spewpa
  10. Vivillon
  11. Skiddo
  12. Gogoat
  13. Sprigatito
  14. Floragato
  15. Meowscarada
  16. Tarountula
  17. Tarountula
  18. Tarountula
  19. Spidops ex
  20. Smoliv
  21. Smoliv
  22. Dolliv
  23. Arboliva
  24. Toedscool
  25. Toedscool
  26. Toedscruel
  27. Capsakid
  28. Capsakid
  29. Scovillain


  1. Growlithe
  2. Growlithe
  3. Arcanine ex
  4. Hondour
  5. Houndoom
  6. Torkoal
  7. Fuecoco
  8. Crocalor
  9. Skeledirge
  10. Charcadet
  11. Charcadet
  12. Armarouge


  1. Slowpoke
  2. Slowbro
  3. Magikarp
  4. Gyarados ex
  5. Buizel
  6. Floatzel
  7. Alomomola
  8. Clauncher
  9. Clawitzer
  10. Bruxish
  11. Quaxly
  12. Quaxwell
  13. Quaquaval
  14. Wiglett
  15. Wiglett
  16. Wugtrio
  17. Cetoddle
  18. Cetoddle
  19. Cetitan
  20. Dondozo


  1. Tatsugiri
  2. Magnemite
  3. Mangeton
  4. Magnezone ex
  5. Mareep
  6. Flaaffy
  7. Pachirisu
  8. Rotom
  9. Rotom
  10. Toxel
  11. Toxtricity
  12. Pawmi
  13. Pawmi
  14. Pawmo
  15. Pawmot
  16. Wattrel
  17. Wattrel
  18. Kilowattrel
  19. Miraidon
  20. Miraidon ex


  1. Drowzee
  2. Hypno
  3. Ralts
  4. Kirlia
  5. Gardevoir ex
  6. Shuppet
  7. Banette ex
  8. Drifloon
  9. Drifblim
  10. Flabebe
  11. Floette
  12. Florges
  13. Dedenne
  14. Dedenne
  15. Klefki
  16. Fidough
  17. Fidough
  18. Dachsbun
  19. Flittle
  20. Flittle
  21. Flittle
  22. Espathra
  23. Greavard
  24. Greavard
  25. Houndstone


  1. Mankey
  2. Primeape
  3. Annihilape
  4. Meditite
  5. Medicham
  6. Riolu
  7. Riolu
  8. Lucario
  9. Sandile
  10. Krokorok
  11. Krookodile
  12. Hawlucha
  13. Silicobra
  14. Sandaconda
  15. Stonjourner
  16. Klawf
  17. Great Tusk ex
  18. Koraidon
  19. Koraidon ex


  1. Grimer
  2. Muk
  3. Seviper
  4. Spiritomb
  5. Croagunk
  6. Toxicroak ex
  7. Pawniard
  8. Bisharp
  9. Kingambit
  10. Maschiff
  11. Maschiff
  12. Mabosstiff
  13. Bombirdier


  1. Forretress
  2. Varoom
  3. Varoom
  4. Revavroom
  5. Iron Treads ex


  1. Chansey
  2. Blissey
  3. Zangoose
  4. Zangoose
  5. Starly
  6. Staravia
  7. Staraptor
  8. Skwovet
  9. Greedent
  10. Indeedee
  11. Lechonk
  12. Lechonk
  13. Lechonk
  14. Oinkologne
  15. Oinkologne ex
  16. Tandemaus
  17. Tandemaus
  18. Maushold
  19. Squawkabilly
  20. Cyclizar
  21. Cyclizar
  22. Flamigo

Supporters, Stadiums, Items, and Tools

  1. Arven
  2. Beach Court
  3. Crushing Hammer
  4. Defiance Band
  5. Electric Generator
  6. Energy Retrieval
  7. Energy Search
  8. Energy Switch
  9. Exp. Share
  10. Jacq
  11. Judge
  12. Katy
  13. Mesagoza
  14. Miriam
  15. Nemona
  16. Nest Ball
  17. Pal Pad
  18. Penny
  19. Picnic Basket
  20. Poke Ball
  21. Pokegear 3.0
  22. Pokemon Catcher
  23. Potion
  24. Professor’s Research (Professor Sada)
  25. Professor’s Research (Professor Turo) 
  26. Rare Candy
  27. Rock Chestplate
  28. Rocky Helmet
  29. Switch
  30. Team Star Grunt
  31. Ultra Ball
  32. Vitality Band
  33. Youngster

Secret Cards

  1. Full Art Tarountula
  2. Full Art Dolliv
  3. Full Art Toedscool
  4. Full Art Scovillain
  5. Full Art Armarouge
  6. Full Art Slowpoke
  7. Full Art Clauncher
  8. Full Art Wiglett
  9. Full Art Dondozo
  10. Full Art Pachirisu
  11. Full Art Pawmot
  12. Full Art Drowzee
  13. Full Art Ralts
  14. Full Art Kirlia
  15. Full Art Fidough
  16. Full Art Greavard
  17. Full Art Riolu
  18. Full Art Sandile
  19. Full Art Klawf
  20. Full Art Mabosstiff
  21. Full Art Bombirdier
  22. Full Art Kingambit
  23. Full Art Starly
  24. Full Art Skwovet
  25. Full Art Spidops ex
  26. Full Art Arcanine ex
  27. Full Art Gyarados ex
  28. Full Art Magnezone ex
  29. Full Art Miraidon ex
  30. Full Art Gardevoir ex
  31. Full Art Banette ex
  32. Full Art Great Tusk ex
  33. Full Art Koraidon ex
  34. Full Art Toxicroak ex
  35. Full Art Iron Treads ex
  36. Full Art Oinkologne ex
  37. Full ArtArven
  38. Full Art Jacq
  39. Full Art Katy
  40. Full Art Miriam
  41. Full Art Penny
  42. Full Art Professor’s Research (Professor Sada) 
  43. Full Art Professor’s Research (Professor Turo) 
  44. Full Art Team Star Grunt
  45. Special Illustration Rare Spidops ex
  46. Special Illustration Rare Miraidon ex
  47. Special Illustration Rare Gardevoir ex
  48. Special Illustration Rare Great Tusk ex
  49. Special Illustration Rare Koraidon ex
  50. Special Illustration Rare Iron Treads ex
  51. Special Illustration Rare Arven
  52. Special Illustration Rare Jacq
  53. Special Illustration Rare Miriam
  54. Special Illustration Rare Penny
  55. Gold Etched Hyper Rare Miraidon ex
  56. Gold Etched Hyper Rare Koraidon ex
  57. Gold Etched Full Art Nest Ball
  58. Gold Etched Full Art Rare Candy 
  59. Hyper Rare Basic Lightning Energy
  60. Hyper Rare Basic Fighting Energy
Additional Card Versions

While the above is the complete set list, there are additional versions of some cards that come in other products. 

  • Sprigatito [13/198]: Mirage Holo Paldea Collection exclusive
  • Fuecoco [36/198]: Mirage Holo Paldea Collection exclusive
  • Quaxly [52/198]: Mirage Holo Paldea Collection exclusive
  • Quaquaval [54/198]: Non Holo Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle Box exclusive
  • Dondozo [61/198]: Non Holo Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle Box exclusive
  • Pawmot [76/198]: Non Holo Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle Box exclusive
  • Greavard [105/198]: Mirage Holo Mimikyu ex Box exclusive
  • Revavroom [142/198]: Non Holo Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle Box exclusive
  • Lechonk [154/198]: Reverse Holo GameStop stamp exclusive as gift with purchase in participating countries
  • Lechonk [154/198]: Reverse Holo Pokemon Center stamp Scarlet & Violet pre-order promo
  • Professor’s Research (Professor Sada) [189/198]: Non Holo Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle Box exclusive
  • Professor’s Research (Professor Turo) [190/198]: Non Holo Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle Box exclusive

Those are all the cards in the first expansion of Pokemon TCG Scarlet and Violet. Stay tuned for more coverage. 

Featured image via Pokemon Company International. 

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