How much are you willing to pay for a video game? See the price of these Steam games before you answer!

Steam Games That Cost An Arm, A Leg, & A Few Thousand Dollars

How much are you willing to pay for a video game? See the price of these Steam games before you answer!
This article is over 8 years old and may contain outdated information

You’re probably used to tracking the least expensive Steam games, especially during the recently ended Steam Summer Picnic Sale. But have you ever wondered what the most expensive Steam games are? Or how much they'll cost? Turns out there are quite a few games on Steam that will put a serious dent in your wallet -- upwards of $200 or more. 

I dug into the Steam library and found some of the most notable (and most expensive) games, including one that’ll blow your mind.

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Serious Sam Complete Pack


The current (as of this writing) $99.99 price tag for the Serious Sam Complete Pack may not seem that costly to some, but it’s more than I’ve ever spent on a single video game. The pack comes with 11 products, including the Classic and HD versions of Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, Serious Sam 2, and Serious Sam 3: BFE. When not on sale, the pack totals $124.91, so I guess that’s where the bargain is. Still, I can’t quite justify spending $100 on games as old as 2001. But I do love the Serious Sam series, so maybe I could?

Neverwinter: Hero of the North Pack


Neverwinter is a free-to-play MMORPG, so I understand the $199.99 price for this item. Selling DLC and other items is one way the game brings in a profit. However, this $200 is mostly for cosmetic items, 3 extra character slots, a pet, and a few in-game items. No extra game content is made available here, and you don’t get auto access to future items, past items, or even Veteran rewards. The $200 price tag seems more suited to being the price for a lifetime subscription, which Neverwinter doesn’t have.

Hall of Fame Starter Pack

This $199.99 DLC pack is for SmashMuck Champions, a game I’d not heard of. Looking at it closer, it’s actually $200 for an Early Access buy in to DLC for a base game which is free-to-play, and also in Early Access.

Steam lists SmashMuck Champions as having a September 11, 2013 release date. Three years later and still in Early Access? Kinda has me wondering will ever see an actual release. However, SmashMuck Champions has the bonus of having exclusive content designed by Scott Kurtz (PvP, TableTitans, Aquisitions, Inc.), so there’s that.

Playism Bundle

This bundle o’games from AGM Playism is currently sale priced at $332.27, and offers about 30 indie games and respective DLCs. I’d not heard of any of these games, but there are a couple in the bundle that do look somewhat interesting. Not $300 worth of interesting, but if the current 20% sale discount could be applied to Artifact Adventure, or La-Mulana, I’d certainly consider them.

Football Manager Touch 2016

Mind blown, amirite? How could a video game be priced at $450K? Does it come with an actual football team, including their entire coaching staff, and perhaps a full-sized stadium? No, it's only a single-player video game. That’s gotta be a typo, or some Steam wires got crossed somewhere in the depths of Valve HQ. Who knows? Whatever it is, it’s listed for that price on Steam, and as of this writing, has been for at least a couple days.

What are the most expensive video games you’ve bought? Would you buy any of the ones on this list? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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