Beyond Good and Evil returns! Though not in the way we all expected.

Beyond Good and Evil Semi-Reboot Coming in 2018…Exclusively for NX

Beyond Good and Evil returns! Though not in the way we all expected.
This article is over 8 years old and may contain outdated information

Ever since the release of several teaser trailers in 2008 and 2009, fans of Ubisoft’s Beyond Good and Evil have been waiting for any news relating to the game’s sequel. It was recently revealed that a new game in the series was in pre-production, and the project was being helmed by Michael Ancel. However, it turns out that this game will not be a sequel, but rather, a semi-reboot.

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While long-time fans of the game may criticize Ubisoft for not making a direct continuation — especially since the original game ended on a cliffhanger — the truth of the matter is that Beyond Good and Evil came out in 2003, 13 years ago. By modernizing and fleshing out the original title, new life could be breathed into the franchise. And if it sells well, we will continue to see more of series’ protagonists Jade and Pey’j.

Regarding the desire for resolution on the game’s cliffhanger, reports say that in addition to retelling the first game’s story and exploring Pey’j’s back story, this game will grant closure to the plot of the first Beyond Good and Evil. A different source has revealed that a CG teaser trailer similar to the one released in 2008 will be shown alongside the reveal of the Nintendo NX.

Currently, the game is set to come out in the Summer of 2018, and it will be exclusive to the NX.

What do you think about this design decision and the NX-exclusive plan? Be sure to let me know in the comments what your thoughts are, and what direction you hope the series goes from here.

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