Darkstalkers Resurrection on the Way, Loads of Features

Darkstalkers has been long overdue for some attention. Capcom announced Darkstalkers Ressurection back in October, and new details are popping up enough to get excited about whether you're a fan of the series or just a fan of fighters.
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Darkstalkers has been long overdue for some attention. Capcom announced Darkstalkers Ressurection back in October, and new details are popping up enough to get excited about, whether you’re a fan of the series or just a fan of fighters.

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The Bad News

Unfortunately for fans, Resurrection is not a new game. Instead it’s two games from the series: The Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge and Darkstalkers 3. Beggars can’t be choosers, I guess. It’s definitely better than nothing.

Yoshinori Ono, the man behind the series, has been trying to get Capcom to give him the OK on making another legitimate Darkstalkers game. It wouldn’t be a surprise if the future of the series lies on the success of Resurrection.


The Very Good News

Despite essentially being a port of two games, Resurrection will have a lot of features to look forward to.

  • Uses GGPO for online play
  • Achievements
  • Spectator mode (!)
  • Ability to upload replays straight to YouTube
  • Tournament modes!

The whole thing is very exciting, but the additional of online and local tournament modes is a big deal for Darkstalkers fans.

There will be several tournament modes for up to eight players, including sudden death, one game takes all, or best of two or three matches. Interested viewers can, of course, spectate games they’re interested in. Because the series has been left in the dust for so long, the tournament scene has really died down — this may change that.

One way or the other, this is a step in the right direction. We may not see Darkstalkers 4 now, but with enough fan support and attention given to Resurrection, we may see it in the future.

Darkstalkers Resurrection will be available in 2013 on both the PSN ($14.99) and XBLA (1,200 MS points). Get your wallets ready, guys. This series needs all the love it can get.

Source: Darkstalkers Resurrection bundle brings back second and third franchise titles
Source 2: Yuri (Dubindoh) > Blog > More updates on the SFXTK Ver. 2013 balance tweaks + Darkstalkers Resurrection

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