First Free Killzone: Shadow Fall Maps Unveiled

Guerrilla Games is released two new multiplayer maps for Killzone: Shadow Fall, both available for free.
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Today, developer Guerrilla Games has shown off the first two free multiplayer maps coming to their sci-fi first-person shooter Killzone: Shadow Fall. The PS4 exclusive is one of the first games to show off the true potential of the next-gen system and many are still enjoying the multiplayer component. These maps will help encourage some new users to join in on the fun and keep old users going strong.

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The two new maps in question are The Cruiser and The Hangar. Both new arenas are featured in the single-player campaign of Shadow Fall. Guerrilla wanted to give players the chance to duke it out in these futuristic locales online.

The Cruiser is a close-to-mid-range combat map set in a decommissioned ISA cruiser left floating dead in space. The level will consist of tight corridors and interconnecting compartments. Choke points will be a vital attribute to winning the battle here.

The second map, titled The Hangar, is more of a wide-open shootout extravaganza. Featuring one of the hangar bays of the Helghast’s massive mining spires, there will be plenty of room to manuever and out-snipe your enemies. Alternative routes in the map will need to be secure for full control over the opposition.

Along with the two free multiplayer maps, developer Guerrilla Games announced they are working on the first DLC expansion for Killzone: Shadow Fall. They’ve promised more information on that in the near future.

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Image of Brandon Morgan
Brandon Morgan
Plasmid Addict. Zombie Survivalist. XCOM Operative. Vault Dweller. Writer. Editor.