Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom Launch Trailer Released

The launch trailer for Ni no Kuni 2 has arrived, and it's just as gorgeous as everything you've seen from this game so far.
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Leading up to this Friday’s Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom release, Bandai Namco has unveiled the soon-to-be-released JRPG’s launch trailer. Fans of the first game will feel right at home with the gorgeous color palette, sweeping score, and ominous foreshadowing showcased throughout the two-minute trailer.

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While the famed Studio Ghibli is not directly involved with Ni No Kuni II (as it was with the first game, Wrath of the White Witch), the Ghibli inspiration is absolutely evident throughout the trailer, portions of which look as if they could’ve been pulled directly from Hayao Miyazaki’s sketchbook. 

So what are your thoughts? Does this trailer have you even more excited to venture back into Ding Dong Dell? Our own reviewer found Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom to be “an immensely satisfying and fun game,” and if this trailer is any indication, she won’t be alone in proclaiming so.


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