Nintendo ‘Cooperating’ With Content Creators

Nintendo finally playing ball.
This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

Over the past couple of years, gamers have seen the rise of gaming content on YouTube, like Let’s Plays and walk-throughs. Companies have varying opinions on whether the content is beneficial or detrimental to their titles. 

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One particular company in general has been known to be adamantly against content creators on YouTube: good old Nintendo. In the past, Nintendo has been notorious for not playing ball with content creators on YouTube, often taking down videos or even claiming all ad revenue on the video.

Recently, Nintendo has decided to change their stance on content creators, whether it be on YouTube or on streams, and they’ve decided to play ball. Well sort of.

What’s Changed

This week Nintendo launched the beta of their Nintendo Creator’s Program. Any content creators on YouTube can either register individual videos or entire channels with Nintendo content. Those who register can keep a portion of the ad revenue generated from the video, up to 60% for each video or 70% for entire channels. It technically is better than 0%, but not much better, especially since Nintendo claims that these rates “may be changed arbitrarily”.

Another issue with Nintendo’s so called ‘cooperation’ is the content that is limited to a small list of games. The list is limited mostly to Nintendo’s first party titles, limiting what content creators can use.

There are also many other various restrictions on content creators and what they’re allowed to put up as well. Content creators have to publish a statement disclosing the content of the video, written or through video.

I have a license to use Nintendo’s content in this video through the Nintendo Creators Program. This video is not sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo, but any advertising revenue from this video will be shared with Nintendo. 

Content creators cannot publish “any content that infringes, dilutes, or otherwise harms the Content or the Nintendo brand and image”. Which means that Nintendo can and will take down any content they deem inappropriate.

What does this mean?

Nintendo’s Creator Program doesn’t seem all that great for content creators due to all the restrictions as well as the sharing of ad revenue, which any creator may also have to share with an affiliated multi-channel network. Most content creators are already just scraping by when it comes to earning a living while partnered with an MCN, with Nintendo also cutting into their revenue it’ll make it harder for anyone to make money off Nintendo games.

With the very limited list of games, content creators don’t really have many games to choose from when it comes to their content. The list is barely comprised of any current generation Nintendo games, and it doesn’t even include any of the more recent hit games such as Bayonetta or Hyrule Warriors.

What can content creators do?

Well the problem with this program is that Nintendo pretty much gets the final say when it comes to any of their titles. If you want any money from it, they get a cut. If it’s not on the list, you can’t show it. If you decide to show it anyways, they’ll just take all of the revenue or take it down. If they feel like it’s damaging to their property, they can take it down as they will. 

Nintendo holds all the cards for their content and at the moment it doesn’t look like they are going to let up on the restrictions, not unless there’s some huge outcry or if this program fails outright.

There’s nothing anyone can really do at the moment.

The situation between content creators and Nintendo has not improved, but at least they’re getting somewhere.

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