Phantasy Star Online 2 Coming to Vita for Free

Phantasy Star Online has a place in every Dreamcast owner's heart. The Dreamcast is dead (RIP, sweet prince), but Phantasy Star Online 2 on the PC is alive and kicking some serious butt in Japan. The game has more than one million players, and it's coming to Vita for some portable (and free!) adventure.
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Phantasy Star Online has a place in every Dreamcast owner’s heart. The Dreamcast is dead (RIP, sweet prince), but Phantasy Star Online 2 on the PC is alive and kicking some serious butt in Japan. The game has more than one million players, and it’s coming to Vita for some portable (and free!) adventure.

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Despite being in Japanese, PSO2 has a dedicated English-speaking playerbase. You can bet that anyone with a Vita who enjoys this game, no matter what country they are in, is going to download and play it portably.

What’s most exciting is that the server between the Vita and PC versions of Phantasy Star Online 2 will be shared, so you can play the same characters on either platform.

While the game itself is free, there will be a special paid edition for those looking for extra goodies. These goodies span from costumes and weapons to a CD with music from Phantasy Star Portable 1 and 2. You can check out the whole list over at Siliconera.

The free Vita download and the special edition will be available on February 28, 2013. Hopefully we’ll get Phantasy Star Online 2 in English one day. Please, Sega?

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