A Winter Reveler in WoW Classic: SoD
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WoW Classic: SoD Patch Notes for December 19 Bring Class Balancing Changes

Today's WoWC: SoD patch brought balancing changes, rather than just hotfixes.

The patches to Season of Discovery so far have been rather minor, other than the Winter Veil implementation. But the December 19 patch has brought some changes to its classes. Let’s take a look at today’s WoW Classic: SoD patch notes and what they entail.

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World of Warcraft Classic: SoD December 19 Patch Notes

Announced in a blue post on the official World of Warcraft forums, the December 19 patch changes are rather substantial considering they, and the skills they affect, are changes from the tried and true vanilla WoW formula. That’s the whole point of this whole “Season of Discovery” thing, and I’m pretty sure most of us are curious how Blizzard are going to continue to change it. But for now, here’s what you can look forward to when you log in:


  • Living Flame now benefits from and consumes Arcane Blast.


  • Avenger’s Shield movement slow is now properly considered a Snare and can be removed by effects that remove movement impairing effects.
  • Mana granted by Seal of Martyrdom to a part and raid members has been increased. Seal of Martyrdom now grants all party and raid members 20% of damage the Paladin takes from the seal (was 10%).


  • Blade Dance has been updated to grant 10% parry at all ranks, rather than increasing parry chance per combo point. The only effect of more combo points is now increased duration.


  • Mana granted by Shamanistic Rage to party and raid members has been increased. Shamanistic Rage now grants party and raid members 20% of the mana gained by the Shaman (was 10%).
A Goblin and machine in WoW Classic: SoD.
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Tailoring Change

The blue post also mentions something new for Tailors.

  • Tailors may now learn and craft Invoker’s Cord and Invoker’s Mantle. Both grant additional spell damage and healing. These recipes can be purchased from Borya in Orgrimmar and Elynna in Darnassus.

The WoW Classic: SoD patch notes for December 19 aren’t long, but they’re better than nothing and are substantial boons. The nerf to Paladin’s Avenger’s Shield may not be welcome to Pally players, but any Horde player will be happy to see Ret Paladins knocked down a peg. They are just too much in PvP. Check out more of our WoW Classic: Season of Discovery guides here on GameSkinny.

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