Five tiers of weapons exist, but they all maddeningly have no stats or features listed… which is why we've discovered them all for you!

Complete necropolis weapon guide

Five tiers of weapons exist, but they all maddeningly have no stats or features listed... which is why we've discovered them all for you!
This article is over 8 years old and may contain outdated information

The 4 player arcade experience collides with Dark Souls in Harebrained Schemes’ multiplayer dungeon delve Necropolis, pitting you and three doomed friends against a horde of monstrous creatures.

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Along the way you’ll come across dozens of different weapons to ineffectually use (or accidentally kill your allies with) that all have amusingly useless descriptions and offer no stats or info of any kind other than listing a tier of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.

While you could go the long grind route and figure out which weapon type has the most interesting features on your own, you could also instead just briefly peruse our full break down of Necropolis weapons below.

While many of the deadly implements dropped by slain enemies are very similar, the main differences between the weapons are in their animations, speed, and attack arcs, which are determined by type: Shortsword, Longsword, Greatsword, Hammer, Rapier, Axe, and Staff.

For instance, any weapon that is a “shortword” type will essentially have the same basic attack patterns, even if some offer slightly different abilities than others, like fire resistance or increased speed. These differences have all been noted below.

Looking for more Necropolis info? Be sure to also check out our:

Necropolis Tier 0 Weapons

Pariah Blade

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Ultralight

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: A crooked blade. Looks best between the third and fourth rib.


Screamer Blade

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Kind of a “undead warrrior shortsword” sort of thing.


Slow Hooked Blade

Type: Light

Heft: Shortsword

Special Abilities: Reduces Speed

Amazingly Useless Description: It’s a slow hooked blade.


Old Longsword

Type: Longsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: A hefty and slightly rusted blade. Weak handle and dull edge. It does the job, just not very well.


Hooked Blade

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Blades given to the Blackguard upon recruitment into the House of the Crooked Street. Um. Forget I said that.


Grine Hooked Blade

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: Grine

Amazingly Useless Description: A hooked blade infected by the Grine. Not good.


Grine Pariah Blade

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Ultralight

Special Abilities: Grine

Amazingly Useless Description: A Pariah Blade, only Grine-ier.


Frozen Pyramid Shortsword

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: Ice Damage, Ice Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: For best use let thaw for 3 hours. Or rest gently in the chest cavity of a warm blooded enemy.


Pyramid Shortsword

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: A bronze shortsword imbibed with mystical energy.


Cracked Longsword

Type: Longsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: When choosing between this “weapon” and let’s say a rabbit; a rabbit’s more useful in combat…

You probably want a better weapon than this…

Necropolis Tier 1 Weapons

Thak’s Party Starter

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: Pierce Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: Thak quickly found the hoarding business had low margins, he found greater success with this ready made bar fight implement.


Blackforest Ham

Type: Hammer

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: It’s a Blackforest Ham.


Johnys Mallet

Type: Hammer

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: It’s Johnys Mallet.


Ilarnek Longsword

Type: Longsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Ice Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: Every living thing in Ilarnek carried a Longsword. Yes, even the chickens.


Pyramid Longsword

Type: Longsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: A mystical gold sword alight with unearthly energy.


Bopha’s Sickblade

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Acid Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: After the flaying and upholstering of Bopha, his soul imprisoned in his weapon. He’s serving 231 afterlife sentences in there.


Thran Battle Hammer

Type: Hammer

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Bash

Amazingly Useless Description: Setwa was the greatest weaponsmith in Thran. One day he started on a new hammer, got about half way through, and said “Eh, good enough.”


Bopha’s Cutter

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Bash, Bash Resitance

Amazingly Useless Description: Bopha solved the Riddle of Ephestrus by cutting his crown in half. I mean, Ephestrus was WEARING the crown, but hey, problem solved.


Sword of Cassus

Type: Rapier

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Pierce Damage, Grine Resitance

Amazingly Useless Description: Cassus the unstoppable carried this sword every day of his long life. Except one.


That Bastard’s Sword

Type: Longsword

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Bash

Amazingly Useless Description: Not to be confused with a bastard sword. This one just belonged to an awful, awful person.


Bob’s Fire Sword

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Fire Damage, Fire Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Bob arose like a dream from the west. His fire sword is legendary, landing him no end of endorsement deals.



Type: Axe

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: It is an axe. When you hit things with it, they tend to die


Hewn Hatchet

Type: Axe

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: A noble warrior inherited a mighty hatchet, he used that one to make this one.


Hoardman Axe

Type: Axe

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: A hoardman is only as good as his hoard. This is the primary instrument for gathering a hoard and keeping it.


Obisdian Quickblade

Type: Axe

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Forged in the land of Palas, whose people are renowned for the use of slow killing poison. They are not renowned for naming things well.


Song of the Night

Type: Axe

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: A tune so soft and sweet, it will put you to sleep.


The Master Axe

Type: Axe

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Made by a master, who was a master of making, and not fighting. He would still be alive if he had been.


Twilight’s Flame

Type: Axe

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Fire Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: Not as bright as midday’s sun, not as dark as the night. That stuff costs extra you know.


Pyramid Hand Axe

Type: Axe

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: A golden axe imbibed with arcane power, and a fresh, minty scent.


Mister Night Night

Type: Hammer

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Pierce Damage, Reduced Speed

Amazingly Useless Description: First in a series of weapons as centerpieces of children’s books—GOODNIGHT VICTIM.


Hoardman Hatchet

Type: Axe

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Fire Damage, Fire Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Issued at Darat, when the Hoard fell, to the madmen who fought for the Father of Knives (in a freelance capacity).


Fist of the Flayed God

Type: Hammer

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Bash, Reduced Speed

Amazingly Useless Description: It is said the Flayed God’s skin was ripped off to make the world. As you might imagine, this was a tad upsetting.


Sandakar Bastard Sword

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Sandakar was a man of ambition. Always had plans for unrivaled greatness, this is prototype for greatness.


Staff of the Unpronounceable

Type: Staff

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Increases Poise

Amazingly Useless Description: The staff that stands between light and darkness—between excitement and boredom—between your hand and the…um…ground.


Dun’s Bashing Stick

Type: Hammer

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Bash, Bash Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: If at first you don’t succeed, smash and smash again. So said Dun. Every other word was smash, honestly.


Pyramid Greatsword

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Twenty-one feet of death.


Pyramid Pike

Type: Hammer

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: A golden spear imprinted with mystical energy.


Grine Greatsword

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Grine, Grine Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Oh, you know, only a sword made of the soul-essence of a million damned adventurers.


King’s Bane

Type: Hammer

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Zar the Great ruled all weapons made must carry his portrait. His men made one, killed him with it, and threw out the rule.


Grine Longsword

Type: Longsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Grine Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: The grim curse of the Grine infection is sort of like interdimensional cooties.

Not the best, but we’re at least getting somewhere now!

Necropolis Tier 2 Weapons



Type: Longsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Fire Damage, Reduced Speed

Amazingly Useless Description: Everyone’s favorite sword: Now with more FIRE!


Plague Bearer

Type: Hammer

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Acid Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: Why kill an enemy with blunt force when deadly fungus is just as effective? Why not both?


Spectral Shiv

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage, Increased Speed

Amazingly Useless Description: The blade on this weapon feels cold and almost immaterial. Makes swinging it faster, too.


Raven’s Wing

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: Acid Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Successfully marketed on it’s dark color and matte finish, which are merely a result of substandard building materials.


The Moon Blade

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage, Arcane Resistance, Increased Speed

Amazingly Useless Description: Used by Agar the Terrible in the atrocities of Khar-Gamont, the raid of Ulik, and then as a coat hook for the Demon Ulixsteracktus.


Shadowborn Scimitar

Type: Longsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Hooked? Check. Giant? Check. Bug? Check. Wait, who made this list?


Hand Axe

Type: Axe

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Pierce Damage, Pierce Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Oota would sing while using this axe (which, if it were embedded in you, would be extremely disconcerting).


Hammer of Time

Type: Hammer

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Ice Damage, Ice Resistance, Reduced Speed

Amazingly Useless Description: And they said unto the Monsignor Calamas, Hammer.


The Sword of Off-White Skull

Type: Longsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Some guy with a pageboy cut wearing fur pants came in swinging this like an idiot.


Pyramid Pick

Type: Hammer

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: It’s a Pyramid Pick.


Shadowborn Bolt Staff

Type: Staff

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Psst. Hey, want a staff that uh…shoots smashes…thingies?


Lightning Hammer

Type: Hammer

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: Capable of generating huge electrical arcs on impact, as well as broiling a steak in seconds.


Death’s Eye Greatsword

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: So popular, now you can have your own.


The Staff of Inscrutable

Type: Staff

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Bash

Amazingly Useless Description: Let’s just say, if you had to describe it, it would be…round? That can’t be right… Orange?



Type: Rapier

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: It’s namesake is the man who it comprises it. Black’s heart was burned to a cinder and the remains used to color this blade. Gross.


Cephil’s Tooth

Type: Rapier

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: A life drinker



Type: Rapier

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Clever? That’s a terrible name for a weapon. Oh… CLEAVER. Sorry, the stains make it hard to read sometimes.


Dawn Blade

Type: Rapier

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: With enough volts to put that pep in your morning step!


Rage Fang

Type: Rapier

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: This sword is wild. It has a mind of it’s own. No, actually a mind of its own. Her name is Tammy, she’s a bit rude.


Sentinel Blade

Type: Rapier

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: Weilded by Berelaine Sentinels, strange that it’s so simply designed. The Berelaine are usually so gaudy.


The Lost Blade

Type: Rapier

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Can’t seem to find anything written about this one, but I’m sure it’s famous or something.


Typhal’s Point

Type: Rapier

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Typhal was a famed orator, known for arguing long hours before delivering his point and defeating his enemies. This was his point.


Stone Cutter

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Increased Poise

Amazingly Useless Description: Once, on the windswept plains of Jandis, a man wandered, dispensing justice. Then some guy with this sword killed him and took his stuff.


Frozen Pyramid Pike

Type: Hammer

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Ice Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: Death is as cold as they say.


Grine Greatsword

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Grine, Grine Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: A greatsword infected by the Grine. Gross.


Sword of Aescapulus

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Like steel justice swooping across a vast…uh…lost my place in the metaphor. Big. Magic sword. Aescapulus was neat too.


The Sculptor

Type: Hammer

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Bash, Bash Resistance, Increased Poise

Amazingly Useless Description: Artists work in many mediums. Stone. Metal. …Viscera? Whatever you say, mister.


Rock of the Sky

Type: Hammer

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: When a rock falls from the sky, why not throw some spikes on it and make a weapon?


Shell Mace

Type: Hammer

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: Fresh from a local Shell Mage. Try to ignore the sticky parts.


Fire Scythe

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Fire Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: A curved and deadly weapon, hot enough to scorch, even you. Gloves optional, but recommended.


Sandakar Greatsword

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Fire Damage, Fire Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Sandakar the weaponsmith loved the sound of children’s laughter, but he loved gold even more. It was close.

 You might not die using this. No, you will still die using this.

Necropolis Tier 3 Weapons

Spiked Mace

Type: Hammer

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage, Reduced Speed

Amazingly Useless Description: Legends of Hombur tell that being struck with this weapon is the worst pain someone can feel. People from Hombur are weak.


Fenyx’s Tines

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: Pierce Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: Fenyx answered the question: “What is better than a blade that pokes a hole in someone?” with “One that pokes 2 holes.” Fenyx was smarmy.


Blood Sickle

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: Arcance Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Berelaine war campaigns were intermittable. This was by choice they cut foes with weapons such as these: exsanguination en masse.


Shadowborn Longsword

Type: Longsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Pierce Damage, Pierce Resistance, Arcane Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Does anyone ask about the Shadowborn’s hats? No. Their swords get all the attention.


Kopeshi Can Opener

Type: Rapier

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: Was used to open cans until it killed 74 people and they repurposed it.



Type: Longsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Resistance, Pierce Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Life ends in strange, often unpronouncable forms.


Pronged Hilt

Type: Rapier

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description: It’s a pronged hilt .


Adder’s Tooth

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Medium

Special Abilities: Acid Damage, Acide Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Seven people died cleaning this blade. Imagine if you hit something with it.


Cassilda’s Estoc

Type: Rapier

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Pierce Damage.

Amazingly Useless Description:Men would fall at Cassilda’s feet. Most with this sword through them.


The Wings of Winter

Type: Shortsword

Heft: Light

Special Abilities: Ice Damage

Amazingly Useless Description:If you hold it closely you can hear the wind whistling through the blades.


Shadowborn Scatterbomb Staff

Type: Staff

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Fire Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description:Wouldn’t it be nice if all work tools could double as terrifying weapons of destruction?


Bell Ringer

Type: Hammer

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Increases Poise

Amazingly Useless Description: Have you heard the phrase “cleaning their clock”?


Longsword of Expensiveness

Type: Longsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Increases jump height/length

Amazingly Useless Description: Bling with a deathcount.


Frozen Pyramid Pick

Type: Hammer

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Ice Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: It’s a Frozen Pyramid Pick


Staff of Bewilderment

Type: Staff

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description:WHAT?! What is this? My god…a staff. INCREDIBLE.


The Subtractor

Type: Axe

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Bash

Amazingly Useless Description: Some tools fix things, others…not…so much.


Emerald Knight’s Greatsword

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description:Most screams per square foot of any sword ever produced.


Crusher Skull Smasher

Type: Hammer

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Can’t Be Knocked Back

Amazingly Useless Description: It’s almost like no one thought what it would be like to walk around carrying this thing.


Sword of Pain

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description:The best part of a sword like this are all the conversations you no longer need to have.


Pyramid Greatscythe

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: None

Amazingly Useless Description:Clearly not for farming…food.


Spirit Scythe

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: A hooked nightmare of a thing which, strangely, also has a cupholder.

You might actually get somewhere with this one, plus, a cup holder!

Necropolis Tier 4 Weapons

The Sword of Personality

Type: Rapier

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Pierce Damage, Pierce Resistance, Arcane Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: A sword that talks, for some reason which I’m certain will come to mind…any time now.


Staff of WTF?

Type: Staff

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: That sure is a staff. Yes indeed. I am ALMOST certain.


Axe of the Hunt

Type: Axe

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Acid Damage, Bash Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: It’s all whining and screaming until you get to hold the axe. Then it’s all OOOHHH nice.


Grine Primal Greatsword

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Grine, Grine Resistance

Amazingly Useless Description: Oh boy, now THAT is a Grine infection.


Staff of the Rich and Famous

Type: Staff

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Arcane Damage, Can’t Be Knocked Back

Amazingly Useless Description: Holding this staff makes you feel like the king of Dalus (before the whole burned alive thing).


Soul Morningstar

Type: Hammer

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Acid Damage, Can’t Be Knocked Back

Amazingly Useless Description: An ugly thing made for a singular purpose, to um…hit things. Very hard. Sorry. Was that not clear?


King’s Justice

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Increased Speed

Amazingly Useless Description: Interestingly, King’s Justice can be used to answer any question. What’s for breakfast? King’s Justice. See?


The Greatsword of Opulence

Type: Greatsword

Heft: Ultra Heavy

Special Abilities: Increases Poise

Amazingly Useless Description: Every time you swing it, it rains diamonds.


Serpent Staff

Type: Staff

Heft: Heavy

Special Abilities: Acid Damage

Amazingly Useless Description: It’s the Serpent Staff!

 Get on finding that rare loot so you can look this epic!

These are all the weapons we’ve come across so far – let us know if you find any other in the procedurally generated levels of the maze!

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