A completed End Portal in a Minecraft Stronghold
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Top 20 Minecraft 1.17.1 Seeds

Minecraft 1.17.1 has a lot to offer in this list of the top 20 seeds!

Minecraft 1.17 brought the beloved Axolotls, Glow Squids, and goats into Minecraft. With them came new underground biomes and, as usually added in new updates, lots of new blocks and bug fixes. Check out all the changes that came along with this update in our list of the 20 best Minecraft 1.17.1 seeds.

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Minecraft 1.17.1: Top 20 Seeds List

Exposed Ocean Ruins by Ocean Monument

A set of Cold Ocean Ruins on a beach by an Ocean Monument
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  • Seed: 1654132063
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 1,184, 4
  • Biomes: Desert, Ocean, Plains, Swamp

This seed is absolutely packed with different structures to explore. To start, you’ll come across a set of Cold Ocean Ruins on top of a Plains biome by the ocean north of Spawn. The ocean itself is home to another small Cold Ocean Ruin as well as an imposing Ocean Monument. If you’re not yet prepared to take on such a dangerous structure, travel west from the ruins for a Desert Temple and a Plains Village.

Important locations and coordinates
Exposed Cold Ocean Ruin Cluster: 1,193, -340
Ocean Monument: 1,305, -296
Desert Temple: 1,081, -472
Plains Village: 924, -408

Desert river outpost

A Minecraft Pillager Outpost inside of a Desert River next to a Plains Village and a ruined Nether portal
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  • Seed: 1514888951
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 1,348, 4
  • Biomes: Desert, Plains, Savanna

A Pillager Outpost stands in the center of a Desert’s river, preventing the neighboring Plains Village from accessing the river’s water. Saving the villagers from the Pillagers’ tyranny will require you to defeat everyone in the outpost before dismantling it. If you need some time to prepare yourself first, there are two other villages in the vicinity. The first is a Savanna Village to the north while the second is a Desert Village on an island very close to the continent you spawn on.

Important locations and coordinates
Plains Village: 1,397, 47
Pillager Outpost: 1,366, 155
Ruined Nether portal: 1,448, 205

Survival village with a ruined Nether portal

A Plains Village with a ruined Nether portal in Minecraft
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When you’re feeling nostalgic for old Minecraft or just want to spend some time grinding away, simpler survival seeds are best. This one features a Plains Village with a ruined Nether portal near Spawn. The portal is only missing four obsidian blocks, so it won’t be too much trouble to rebuild. Its chest comes with a few pieces of enchanted golden armor that will help protect you from Piglins if you choose to enter the Nether.

Important locations and coordinates
Plains Village: 95, 100
Ruined Nether portal: 44, 81

Tall Woodland Mansion

A towering Minecraft Woodland Mansion next to a Birch Forest
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  • Seed: -2020860963
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 64, 16
  • Biomes: Birch Forest, Roofed Forest

While this Woodland Mansion is a bit of a walk from Spawn, the rooms and treasures it contains are more than worth the wait. You’ll find at least one secret room on the first floor containing a chest with an enchanted leather helmet. You’ll also find a room with pumpkins and watermelons, a library, and plenty of Pillagers to farm for experience points.

Important locations and coordinates
Tall Woodland Mansion: 436, 365

Mini islands

A small Minecraft Plains Village on a Beach and Plains island
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  • Seed: 1413084617
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 492, 4
  • Biomes: Beach, Cold Ocean, Plains

A series of small islands fills the ocean in this world. The island you spawn on has a small Plains Village, giving you easy access to food and wood. You’ll find a few trees on the island to the left and a small chest of buried treasure in the water around the island.

Important locations and coordinates
Plains Village: 513, 9
Buried Treasure: 520, 43, -40

Two-layer Plains Village

A Minecraft village with buildings on top of and beneath a hill
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  • Seed: -1841262587
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 48, 28
  • Biomes: Plains, Taiga

This Plains Village has generated in two layers. The lower level is on the ground while the second level of buildings is on top of a small hill above some of the other village homes. If you’re looking for an extra source of treasure, head to the nearby beach for a single buried treasure chest.

Important locations and coordinates
Buried Treasure: 136, 58, -184
Plains Village: 106, -302

End Speedrun

A completed End Portal in a Minecraft Stronghold
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If you’ve ever wanted to speedrun Minecraft, this seed is perfect for that purpose. After you spawn, go to coordinates 1,150, -650 and start digging. You will soon enter a stronghold with a fully completed End Portal and an amethyst geode above it. Before heading that way, visit the three villages and Desert Temples scattered around the surface. Their loot will make it much easier to take on the End Dragon.

Important locations and coordinates
Stronghold: 1,176, 39, -648
End Portal: 1,146, 40, -625

Two Taiga Villages

A Minecraft seed with a Snowy Village and a Taiga Village next to an Ice Spikes biome
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Spawn between two villages that inhabit an area with five different biomes: Ice Spikes, Taiga, Forest, Snowy Taiga, and Snowy Plains. You’ll find an igloo nearby, although it won’t have a basement. The closest Stronghold is only about 1,500 blocks from Spawn, which is pretty close as far as most Strongholds go.

Important locations and coordinates
Snowy Village: 7, 85
Taiga Village: -218, -183
Igloo: 180, 229

Straight to the Nether Fortress

A nether portal generated on a Nether Fortress bridge in Minecraft
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You will spawn in a Plains Village standing between two hot biomes: a Savanna and a Desert. Travel south for a ruined Nether portal and a Desert Temple standing close to each other. If you enter the portal, you will be teleported straight to the bridge of a Nether Fortress, which is rather convenient.

Important locations and coordinates
Plains Village: 46, -289
Desert Temple: 248, 104
Ruined Nether portal: 152, 184

Mushroom Desert Village

A Minecraft Mushroom Island connected to a Plains and a Desert with a Desert Village
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This seed has everything you need and more! Right at spawn you will find yourself in a Plains Village with a ruined portal, Desert Temple, and Jungle Temple. To the south, you’ll find another Desert Village next to a Desert Temple and a ruined portal. Finally, traveling to the southwest will lead you to a village on a Mushroom Island.

Important locations and coordinates
Plains Village: 310, -174
Desert Village: 316, 225
Mushroom Island Village: -205, 205

Icy island village

A Minecraft Village on a small beach in a Frozen Ocean
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This seed features an island village on icebergs at spawn! If you’ve ever dreamed of building your own Iceland in Minecraft, you can do it here. Some of the houses in the village are already entangled in blocks of ice. It’s a tough life, but if you enjoy challenges you will love this one.

Important locations and coordinates
Icy village: 13, 6
Shipwreck: 4, 61

Floating Desert Village

A Desert Village floating on a Minecraft ocean
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Spawn within a floating Desert Village bridging the gap between a Desert and a small Savanna. Traveling northwest will lead you to snowy biomes while the south leads you to Desert and Savanna and the north leads you to forests across the ocean. If you head into the small Savanna at the edge of the village, you’ll find a ravine with iron and coal at its start. You’ll also come across a few structures in the ocean, including a ruined Nether portal with a loot chest.

Important locations and coordinates
Desert Village: 3, 3
Deep Ravine: -94, 10
Ruined Nether portal: 279, 69

Fast Nether trip

Rebuilding a ruined Nether portal in Minecraft
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At the start of this world, you’ll find a Desert Temple and a Plains Village. After visiting them, head to the northeast. Walking in that direction will lead you to a ruined Nether portal on top of a hill. You can easily repair and light the portal to enter the Nether at the start of your world. The chest already has a flint-and-steel, so all you’ll need is three blocks of obsidian.

Important locations and coordinates
Plains Village: 8, -345
Desert Temple: 88, -419
Ruined Nether portal: 303, -573

Plains Village outside of a Woodland Mansion

A Minecraft Woodland Mansion with a Plains Village
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A Woodland Mansion and a Plains Village at spawn are a wonderful surprise! Such rare structure generation happens only once in a million times, so it would be wise to make the best out of this seed. To the south and west, you will find two huge swamps; to the east, there is a lush Savanna biome.

Important locations and coordinates
Plains Village: 243, 40
Woodland Mansion: 162, 67

Desert Village in Desert Temple

Two Desert Villages inside of a Minecraft Desert Temple
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Desert Villages and temples tend to collide in funny ways. In this seed, several villagers have been accidentally trapped inside of the foundation of a Desert Temple. If you enjoy funny and unusual seeds, make sure to check this one out.

Important locations and coordinates
Desert Village in Desert Temple: 344, 37

Mushroom Island beginnings

A Mushroom Island off of the coast of a Desert island in Minecraft
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You will spawn on a Mushroom Island next to a small Desert island in this world. The Desert island has a small village, giving you easy access to anything you could need at the start of a survival adventure. Head deeper into the Ocean if you’re in need of more materials. The water around the islands has a few shipwrecks and Warm Ocean Ruins that can provide you with additional resources.

Important locations and coordinates
Desert Village: 44, -142
Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster: -240, -139
Shipwreck: -77, -353

Savanna Village tower

A small Savanna Village on top of a Shattered Savanna biome in Minecraft
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If you wish to look upon the world from the top of the mountain, check out this seed that spawns you right next to a shattered savanna hill with a tiny village on top of it. Build your base at the top of this towering Savanna hill to easily defend yourself from hostile mobs and even other players. While it is unbeatable in terms of safety, it’s overall unique and extremely cool to look at. It’s the perfect seed to show off to your friends.

Important locations and coordinates
Towering Savanna Village: 10, 197
Pillager Outpost: 9, -6
Witch Hut: 98, 164

Beachside village

A Minecraft Plains Village next to a shipwreck on a Beach
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Before Mojang actually implements shipping ports in Minecraft, players can enjoy seeds like this. Here, you spawn in a beach village that has a perfectly preserved top-tier shipwreck on the shore. You can put the loot and wood to good use or preserve the ship as a monument.

Important locations and coordinates
Plains Village: 134, -199
Shipwreck: 103, -161
Buried Treasure: 73, 46, -295

Land-based Cold Ocean Ruins

A set of Cold Ocean Ruins on the surface of a Minecraft Taiga biome
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Ocean Ruins can be a great source of enchanted items. But often, these structures can be found only deep in the ocean. This seed offers you something rare: six ocean ruins on the surface of a Taiga biome. You don’t even have to fight the drowned mobs, as they will burn under the sun like zombies.

Important locations and coordinates
Large Cold Ocean Ruin Cluster: 391, -596

Pillager Outpost on Desert Temple

A Minecraft Pillager Outpost on top of a Desert Temple
Screenshot by Gameskinny

You’ll spawn next to a Desert biome with a unique structure less than a thousand blocks away. The structure consists of a Pillager Outpost standing on top of the center of a Desert Temple. It’s a tough cookie to crack, but you’ll have some help from weaponsmiths in a nearby village. Use them to gear up, then take on the Pillagers in the Outpost and claim their treasures as yours.

Important locations and coordinates
Desert Village: -164, -209
Pillager Outpost: 586, -246
Desert Temple: 594, -238

That’s it for my list of the top 20 seeds for Minecraft 1.17.1 version. Stay tuned for more Minecraft tips and tricks articles right here on Gameskinny.

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