Image via Smartly Dressed Games

Unturned: How to Spawn Vehicles

If you are sick of walking or fighting zombies on foot, let's show you how to spawn vehicles in Unturned.

In the cruel zombie-infested world of Unturned, sometimes you just have to resort to spawning a few badass vehicles to help you out. It’s actually quite simple so let us show you how to spawn vehicles in Unturned.

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How to Spawn Vehicles

In Unturned, spawning objects like vehicles as we’re about to show you is an innate feature of the game’s console. It’s up to the player if they decide to use it but the game makes these options freely available to you. You just have to enable the console and find the right commands.

First up, in order to use the console we’ll have to enable it before starting a new map:

  • From the main menu, click on “Play”.
  • Choose a map you want to play on.
  • On the left side check the “Cheats” option.
  • Launch the map.

Now the console is enabled and we can use it to spawn vehicles in the game. Once you’re in and want your vehicle to arrive, follow these steps:

  • Open the console/chat box by pressing “J”.
  • Type in “/vehicle X” without quotes where the X stands for your vehicle number.
  • For example, the green truck is 19 so we would type “/vehicle 19”.
  • Hit enter and Viola! The truck appears.

Now you can use the vehicle or spawn more of them. This command can be used as many times as you want. Let us show you some other vehicle IDs for additional options.

Unturned Vehicle Ids

Here are the vehicle IDs for some exciting options in the game. The command is always the same, you just have to change the number. Go as conservative or as wild as you’d like.:

  • Black Sedan: 25
  • Police Car: 33
  • Firetruck: 34
  • Desert Armored Offroader: 56
  • Red Quad: 72
  • White Racecar: 83
  • Blue Jetski: 99
  • Hummingbird: 107
  • Rainbow Hatchback: 109
  • Forest Tank: 120
  • Ghost: 123
  • Attack Heli: 135
  • Moon Buggy: 139
  • Fighter Jet: 140
  • Eagle: 157
  • Black Dirtbike: 177
  • Bicycle: 185
  • Blimp: 189
  • Armored Police Truck: 802
  • War Machine: 830
  • Bulldozer: 840
  • Hot Air Balloon: 849
  • Spartan: 3500
  • Chariot: 3501
  • Cerberus: 3502

These are just some interesting options that you can spawn but there are many more commands in total. Feel free to experiment with numbers as there are plenty of combinations. One tip, when you have a number like “25” for the black Sudan, numbers that follow or precede it are usually for different color combinations.

We hope you have found this guide on how to spawn vehicles in Unturned useful. Experiment with different combinations to find crazy vehicle options or use the ones we provided. Either way, you won’t be fighting zombies on foot. For more guides, check out our Unturned game hub.

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