A growing list of Final Fantasy pro design outfits for New Horizons players to download and slap on.

Animal Crossing New Horizons: Final Fantasy Outfit Designs You Need

A growing list of Final Fantasy pro design outfits for New Horizons players to download and slap on.
This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

You may not be the best at making your own creations using the Pro Designs app in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but a handful of particularly determined and skilled pixel artists are hard at work making and sharing all sorts of outfits for fellow New Horizons players.

In this list, we'll be taking a look at a handful of super cute Final Fantasy outfits remade in Pro Designs by content creators for you to slap on and look like your favorite characters from the series. Well, if you're lucky anyway.

The New Horizons content creator community is slowly but surely uploading their creations to sites like Nook's Island and Nooknet. They're not superhuman, though! Be patient as more outfits get made and uploaded, and check back here as this list grows over the coming months and content creators begin to fully grasp the Pro Designs tools and palettes at their disposal.

In order to download these designs, you must:

  1. Buy the Pro Designs app upgrade using Nook Miles
  2. Have a Nintendo Switch Online membership
  3. Have the Able Sisters shop unlocked
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Aerith from Final Fantasy 7

First had to be Final Fantasy 7's Aerith, right?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons players are, predictably, fond of Aerith from the original FF7 as well as Final Fantasy 7 Remake. She is the best girl in the game, after all.

At the time of writing, there are more Aerith designs than any other Final Fantasy character. Aside from the very cute one above, consider the following two designs to try on. Whichever you choose is up to your tastes!

Y'shtola from Final Fantasy 14

Y'shtola's Shadowbringers outfit is one of the most popular among FFXIV players so much so that it's even now on the Mogstation.

Well, you don't have to toss Square Enix your hard-earned cash to wear her new dress in Animal Crossing. You just have to enter the code above. They've already gotten enough of my money for glamour items. Until next month, anyway.

Auron from Final Fantasy 10

Whether you care for FFX's Auron or not, you can't say his kimono isn't awesome and it has the added benefit of looking great in-game. I don't have much to say about this one, but I will say I downloaded it to use myself.

Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

The second Final Fantasy 7 character design included on this list, this Cloud design by Nipah is easy to slap on and just imagine that you're imagining you're in S.O.L.D.I.E.R..

This is also one of the more buff-looking ones featured here, even if Cloud's arms actually look sort of like half-cooked noodles.

Yuna from Final Fantasy 10

Yuna isn't very popular in the West, but she is pretty dang popular in Japan. It's no surprise her signature outfit is one of the first Final Fantasy outfits to make its way into New Horizons.

Crystal Exarch from Final Fantasy 14

This Shadowbringers character is one of the most popular in the series, and now you too can look like you're trying to bring darkness to the land — and without having to wait for it to get added to the Mogstation! What a world we live in.

Tifa from Final Fantasy 7

Is this the last Final Fantasy 7 character featured here? Let me check my notes...

Yes! And of course, Tifa is one of the most popular characters in the entire franchise. She's no Aerith, though. (Yeah, I said that.)

If the above doesn't tickle your fancy, consider the alternative below.

Lightning from Final Fantasy 13

Final Fantasy 13, and by essence Lightning herself, is one of the most polarizing entries to the mainline Final Fantasy series. Except in Japan, where they seem to really like the game as well as its pink-haired protagonist.

It's not the most fancy top, but it is certainly Lightning's.

Vivi from Final Fantasy 9

If you ever wanted to pretend to be a black mage golem with the capacity to love — or whether you just wanted to pay homage to one of the Final Fantasy series' most beloved characters, this Vivi design is for you!

Tidus from Final Fantasy 10

We all know you're never going to be able to play anything like Blitzball in New Horizons, but in this outfit you can at least try to pretend. Or, stand on the pier and laugh like a lunatic. You know, whatever you want to do.

Emet-Selch from Final Fantasy 14

The big bad for the Final Fantasy 14 expansion Shadowbringers, Emet-Selch is a fan favorite from his bejeweled head and slouched shoulders to his ornate flowing robe. I didn't think I'd get to run around in his outfit in New Horizons, but here we are. And frankly, I look wonderful!


Thanks for perusing through these 11 different designs, with many more to come! If you like these creators' designs, check out their other creations at the same terminal using their creator codes.

Check our plethora of Animal Crossing: New Horizons guides here on GameSkinny as well!

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