What One Game Should Every Kid Play?

I tell you what I think every kid should play at some point in their lifetime... not just childhood.
This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

So this weekend, I received an email from GameSkinny with my weekly contributions and what not. With that was a suggestion for an article. That title was:

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What One Game Should Every Kid Play?

Now, there are a lot of games that come to mind when I hear this question. Here are a few examples:

  • Smash Bros
  • Legend of Zelda
  • Super Mario Brothers
  • Final Fantasy
  • Pokemon
  • Sonic the Hedgehog

These are all titles that are very good, and should be played at one time or another, but none of them are my answer. “These games are what the majority of people from my generation would answer” were my thoughts after those games sprang to mind. After this, I got the thinking about games that I grew up playing, and the console in question?

PlayStation One

I grew up and spent the majority of my childhood playing on the PS1. My all time favourite game back then, and still is now, is a game called Grandia. It’s a JRPG that was released on Sega Saturn and PlayStation One. I may not have my PS1 set up anymore, but I still play it via the PlayStation Network. This was a strong contender for my game that every kid should play, but then due to its genre, it may not be every kids cup of tea. Afterwards, I scoured through the PSN at their PS1 ported classics and there, I found my answer.

Crash Bandicoot

How can someone play video games and not have played Crash Bandicoot? This game gave me endless hours of fun after coming home from school of an afternoon, even though I never actually completed the game. (Not without cheats anyway.) Crash had the right level of difficulty to make it enjoyable, yet still give a challenge to the player.

One can’t be mentioned without the other!

It will be a bit unfair to mention Crash without mentioning another great PlayStation 1 character and game. 


Yep, that’s right. Spyro the Purple Dragon. Both Crash and Spyro are great PlayStation mascots and either one could of been my should play game, but ultimately, I went with Crash Bandicoot. Spyro has a brilliant plot, dialogue and humour but I just had to give the title to Crash Bandicoot because I had more fun playing it.

If you own a PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable or a PlayStation Vita, I highly recommend popping onto the PSN and downloading Crash Bandicoot 1 for £3.99 (not sure for other currencies), download it and give it a play.

Agree with me? Disagree with me? Tell me what you think of my choice in the comment section below.

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