I've never been the biggest fan of shooters, mostly because I take way too much time to line up a shot. Why not snipe? Because I'm way too jittery to stay put for more than ten seconds. I need action. I need blood.
In lieu of my inability to properly man a gun, I'd like to show a little respect for the women that can. Here are five strong, independent leading ladies who don't need no scope.

Jill Valentine
Resident Evil series
Our zombie-slaying heroine since day one, Jill has set a high bar for female characters in horror games. Skilled in combat and bomb disposal, Jill has always been an asset in S.T.A.R.S.'s fight against bioterrorism.
As is the nature of the Resident Evil games, Jill is no stranger to gunplay, able to repeatedly fire high-powered guns one-handed. Her physical strength is immense, as she can do a muscle up with ease. But she's also agile and acrobatic. To top it all off, she's an amazing friend, proven when she tackled Wesker out of a window to save Chris Redfield.

Joanna Dark
Perfect Dark series
A late bloomer due to being born with life-threatening medical issues, Joanna didn't have the greatest childhood. Her calling came at around the age of seven, when her bounty hunter father taught her how to manage firearms. The two later took on a dangerous contract, which ultimately became hers alone – RIP Jack Dark.
Joanna's no slouch in gunplay, but it was her flair for the theatrical that really won me over. Her father's death was a post-surrender execution, which upset her enough to set his killer aflame. Hell hath no fury like a pyro scorned.

Bayonetta series
Beauty, brutality, and bullets; Bayonetta is no joke. Her skills include wielding four guns simultaneously, wearing her hair as clothing, summoning demons, and slaughtering angels. Whether or not she's doing any of those things, she's most likely still being hyper-sexualized to no end.
Despite the ease with which Bayonetta can be reduced to fan service, she's undoubtedly a strong female. Her nonchalance when faced with powerful enemies displays confidence. Her attachment to Cereza, her younger self, reveals her motherly side. Her commitment to saving her friends demonstrates her dependability. She's not just lust with legs.

Lara Croft
Tomb Raider series
There was no way I could have written this article without Ms. Croft making an appearance. Her adventurousness is near unparalleled, and she keeps on trekking despite always ending up in the worst of predicaments. Her love of books is also a fantastic trait that isn't shared by many fictional characters.
Whether she's toting a gun or a bow, Lara boasts ridiculously accurate aim. Her survival skills have always been on point. No wolf, avalanche, or madman has ever stopped her – and save points ensure that even if they do, they don't. She's by far one of the gaming's most loved heroines, and one of mine as well.

Horizon Zero Dawn
So Horizon Zero Dawn was only just announced at E3 2015, but the game's reveal trailer has already established her as a beastly bowhunter. She's shown as agile and resilient during combat, but also humble in victory. All else that is known about her bowmanship is that involves high-tech arrows of varied effects – and she clearly comes prepared for anything.
Despite what little we've seen of her, Aloy has earned her spot on this list. The girl's got some serious skill with a bow, and her demeanor is neither frail nor caustic. I'm excited to see what she has to offer when the game is released.
And that's it! Are there any sharpshooting gals you would've hoped to see here? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below!
Published: Jul 11, 2015 08:03 pm