Plants vs. Zombies 2: Worth Your Time

The zombie tower defense is definitely worth your money. Oh wait, it's free!
This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

Plants vs. Zombies 2 released for IOS a few days ago and as soon as it dropped I was all over it. I must say that it lived up to my expectations completely. It is a fantastic game to play and I suggest everyone download it right now and here is why.

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In Plants vs. Zombies 2, you are sent back in time so Crazy Dave can eat a taco for…well we don’t know how many times he’s done this but supposedly a lot. He just likes to go back in time and eat the same taco, but during the zombie apocalypse who can blame him, right? In a weird turn of events you first end of in ancient Egypt battling zombies. You must collect stars in order to get to the other worlds, eventually making it back home.

I love this story because it is seriously hilarious. The dynamic between Crazy Dave and his time traveling truck just makes this game so fun and lighthearted, I can’t help but enjoy it. It also makes the story flow very well. You move from time to time, grabbing as many stars as possible trying to get home. It is just an excellent story.


I thought maybe the game would be the same old song we’ve heard from PopCap and PvZ, but I was so wrong. The game changes things up with allowing you to gain stars by completing different challenges, besides keeping out the zombies. You can also gain keys to get some of the best plants. I just love how they have made a simple tower  defense game into something more complicated. It also makes the game last longer, which makes me happy.


PopCap has always amazed me with the great graphics in their IOS games. PvZ2 is no exception. This time we don’t have just zombies with cones on their heads. You get pirate zombies and Egyptian zombies that steal your suns, which is honestly brilliant. I think the game is as fun to watch as it is to play.


Well, you don’t need it. Unlike other IOS games, COUGHcandycrushsagaCOUGH, Plants vs. Zombies 2 is absolutely free. Yes you can use money to open doors to gain new plants but you can also earn keys to do the same thing. Although having money would make this game really easy, I was able to make it very far and not even think about pulling my debt card out. I know a lot of people have been asking about this so everyone, put those wallets away. They won’t be needed.

Rate: 10/10

I absolutely love this game. I think it is one of the best free mobile games that I’ve ever seen. One of my favorite things is how it makes you think. I can’t do the same thing every level which is really refreshing. I am serious when I say that everyone with IOS capabilities should go get this game. The only reason why I stopped playing this game is because I recently got an android phone and PvZ2 isn’t available on Google Play yet. I just have to hope that it will be released soon because I am dying over here.

Plants vs. Zombies 2: Worth Your Time
The zombie tower defense is definitely worth your money. Oh wait, it's free!

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