House of the Damned is the fifth map to be released in Sker Ritual by Wales Interactive. Just like the other maps, like Sewers of the Dead, you’ll need to track down dolls located throughout all areas of the map. They can be extremely tricky to find as they are hidden well and locked by objective points. Here are all House of the Damned Doll Locations in Sker Ritual.
All Sker Ritual House of the Damned Doll Locations
There are fifteen House of the Damned dolls in Sker Ritual, and they all have a shiny golden sheen, making them easier to spot. However, with the dark backgrounds, I recommend increasing your game’s brightness to 200% to make them even easier to find. Moreover, I’ve marked each doll in every screenshot using my weapon’s crosshair. Lastly, match the room’s name at the top of your screen to avoid searching for a particular doll in the wrong area.

You’ll find the first doll sitting on the top shelf of a wooden bookcase to your right after spawning into the map in the starting area.
Sub Basement

Head down the stairs, take the second right, and then the first left. You’ll find the doll sitting on the ground, surrounded by mannequins and barrels.

The doll in this location is tough to see as it sits on top of a big cabinet, which hides it in the shade. The hanging body is facing it, so look at the direction of its face.
Living Room

You’ll find the living room doll sitting on the fireplace mantle to the right of the portrait.
Master Bedroom

You’ll find the Master Bedroom doll on the floor behind crates to the left of the bed when standing at the foot of it.
Music Room

The music room doll is sitting on top of the piano.
Meat Room

The Meat Room doll is sitting on top of the metal shelving unit at the very top.
House Grounds – 1

The first House Grounds doll is on the outside patio, on the wooden railing across from the dog.
House Grounds – 2

The second House Grounds doll is on top of the roof directly above and a bit to the left of the first House Grounds doll.

The Graveyard doll sits atop the sarcophagus door to the left.
Storage Room

The Storage Room doll sits on the ground to the right of the spawn door.

The Coven doll is sitting on the floor to the right of the Book of the Dead, altered by a wooden crate if you are facing it.

The Bathroom doll is sitting on the floor between the bathtub and the wall (side of the tub closest to the corpse’s head).
Dining Room

While this is technically considered the dining room doll, it is outside the house. You’ll find it to the right of the stairs on the ground next to a rock.
The Fields

The Fields doll is sitting on the ground behind a tree to the left of the entrance. You won’t be able to access this location until you complete objectives and fight the level’s final boss.
You now know where all House of the Damned doll locations are in Sker Ritual. However, as of now, there isn’t a Maids achievement for collecting all dolls in this location. You will still get a fee Miracle Token for doing so though. Check out our Sker Ritual hub for more guides like How to Complete the Hidden Objective on House of the Damned to earn the House of Secrets Achievement.
Published: Jul 26, 2024 03:36 am