A Missining Mini Cargo Truck on Sixth Street in Zenless Zone Zero
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All Missing Mini Cargo Truck Locations in Zenless Zone Zero

Missing Mini Cargo Trucks are the Zenless Zone Zero version of treasures chests. Here's all the ones you can find on Sixth Street.

If you’re familiar with other gacha games with explorable areas, you no doubt know how they love hiding treasure chests around their hub worlds, and Zenless Zone Zero is no different. They’re called Missing Mini Cargo Trucks in ZZZero, and there are twenty to find in total. Here’s where they all are.

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All Missing Mini Truck Treasures Chests in Zenless Zone Zero

There are at 20 Mini Cargo Truck reward chests scattered across four areas of Zenless Zone Zero. You’ll be able to find six of them almost as soon as you start the game, well before you can do a full reroll, but the remaining ones will take you at least a dozen hours to reach.

To start collecting the remaining Missings Mini Cargo Trucks, you need to progress to Chapter 2 of the main story, which is guarded primarily by a major Inter-Knot level gate. And you won’t be able to get the last four Trucks until you reach Inter-Knot level 34 and reach chapter 3. You should do so whenever possible, though, as they give a small but still important amount of Polychrome and Inter-Knot experience.

With all that said, let’s get started with the Missing Mini Cargo Trucks you can find on Sixth Street.

All Missing Mini Cargo Trucks on Sixth Street

The six Mini Cargo Trucks on Sixth Street, the starting hub area, are pretty easy to find, as the area isn’t that big to begin with. We’ll be starting our search at the Random Play video store base of operations and moving toward the Metro Station at the end of the road.

Where to Find Sixth Street Missing Mini Cargo Truck #1

The first Mini Cargo Truck you can find on Sixth Street is right next to the video store. If you leave out the front door and look left, you’ll see the building that becomes the remodeling shop when you unlock Bangboo pulls during the Chapter 1 Intermission. There’s a set of stairs leading to the roof of the shop. Find the Missing Mini Cargo Truck there. I admit it took me entirely too long to find this one.

Where to Find Sixth Street Missing Mini Cargo Truck #2

There’s an alleyway directly across from the Bangboo remodeling shop and a bit farther away from the video store. Another Cargo Truck is waiting there.

Where to Find Sixth Street Missing Mini Cargo Truck #3

The third Missing Mini Cargo Truck on Sixth Street is on the street leading away from Howl’s Daily Scratch-Off stand. You can also use General Chop as a waypoint. Stop by the noodle shop and grab a bit, then turn around and head down the road. You’ll see the Cargo Truck at the turn. If you’ve reached that point in the game, Officer Mewmew will also be standing next to the road.

Where to Find Sixth Street Missing Mini Cargo Truck #4

Continue toward the Godfinger Arcade and, while standing in front of it, look down the long road leading to the roadblock. Head all the way to the barricades, and if you look to your left, you’ll find the Missing Mini Cargo Truck next to some shipping containers.

Where to Find Sixth Street Missing Mini Cargo Truck #5

Make your way back to the main street and look across the street from the coffee shop into a small loading bay. In the back right corner, near some graffiti, is where you’ll find the Missing Mini Cargo Truck.

Where to Find Sixth Street Missing Mini Cargo Truck #6

The last Missing Mini Cargo Truck is about as well hidden as they get on Sixth Street, which is to say, not very. Go all the way to the end of the main street and hang a right. When you reach the entrance to the metro station at the end of the road, look left. You can’t miss the truck.

All Missing Mini Cargo Trucks at the Brant Street Construction Site

You need to reach Chapter 2 to access the Brant Street Construction site, but as soon as you meet Koleda and her merry band of contractor miscreants, you can return to the construction site at any time to pick up the Missing Mini Cargo Trucks there. There are four of them to find, as the site is very small.

Where to Find Brant Street Construction Site Missing Mini Cargo Truck #1

Using Officer Mewmew as our starting point, stay under the loading platform and look toward the forklift and grabber trucks. The orange dump truck is just beyond them. You should see the Cargo Truck nested between the two smaller machines.

Where to Find Brant Street Construction Site Missing Mini Cargo Truck #2

If you continue toward the orange truck and the edge of the construction site, you should see the Mini Cargo Container sitting near the truck’s backmost wheel.

Where to Find Brant Street Construction Site Missing Mini Cargo Truck #3

Take the ramp near the orange dump truck up to the slightly higher level where a bear and human employee are talking. In the alcove near them, between two orange shipping containers, is another Cargo Truck.

Where to Find Brant Street Construction Site Missing Mini Cargo Truck #4

Return to Officer Mewmew and look toward the excavator machine in the distance. To the right of the excavator, by a pile of boxes and blue and yellow shipping containers, is the final Missing Mini Cargo Truck.

In the event one or more of these Cargo Trucks aren’t on the construction site, try coming back at a different time of day. You can return to the video store and do a commission, rest on the sofa, or anything else that passes the time. Traveling to and from locations doesn’t pass the time, thankfully, so you won’t need to worry about that, at least.

All Missing Cargo Truck Locations in Lumina Square

Lumina Square is the largest hub area in Zenless Zone Zero I’ve found, and as such it has six rather than four Missing Mini Cargo Trucks. Thanks to its size, you’ll need a bit more time to collect all the Cargo Trucks, but they’re about as easy to find as anywhere else in the game. As with Brant Street, we’ll be using Officer Mewmew as our starting point.

Where to Find Lumina Square Missing Mini Cargo Truck #1

If you’re standing next to Officer Mewmew and looking at the main road splitting Lumina Square in half, turn around and look down the dead-end road to find the Mini Cargo Truck next to some construction equipment.

Where to Find Lumina Square Missing Mini Cargo Truck #2

Head into the Public Security station parking lot, where you should see the Mini Cargo Truck next to the bike racks and a blue-purple-lit sign. If a bunch of people are standing around blocking the way, wait until midnight for the area to clear, and the Cargo Truck will appear.

Where to Find Lumina Square Missing Mini Cargo Truck #3

Cross the street from Officer Mewmew and keep to the left side of the road leading away from them. You’ll find the second Missing Mini Cargo Truck next to the Gravity event center.

Where to Find Lumina Square Missing Mini Cargo Truck #4

Cross the main road and head straight. You should see the Mini Cargo Truck from a mile off, but it’s to the left of the large blocky sculptures next to a magazine stand.

Where to Find Lumina Square Missing Mini Cargo Truck #5

Turn left from the magazine stand at the end of the road leading away from the main street, and you’ll see the next Mini Cargo Truck at the end of the path, near the hot pot restaurant, with outdoor seating and umbrellas.

Where to Find Lumina Square Missing Mini Cargo Truck #6

The sixth and final Missing Mini Cargo Truck in Lumina Square is located on the playground further beyond the restaurant. Turn right at the fifth Cargo Truck and head up the short ramp. You can find the Truck in the back right corner near some barrels and riding machines.

All Missing Cargo Truck Locations in Ballet Twins Road

You can find the final four Missing Mini Cargo Trucks on Ballet Valley Road but don’t expect to get there quickly. You can’t even start the story quest necessary until you reach Inter-Knot level 34, a process that is likely to take at least a few days of grinding unless you refill a lot of Battery Charge to speed your leveling. Thankfully, Ballet Twins Road is the smallest area in Zenless Zone Zero, and the four Cargo Trucks are exceptionally easy to find.

Where to Find Ballet Twins Road Missing Mini Cargo Truck #1

The Missing Mini Cargo Truck in the alcove in Zenless Zone Zero
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Once you can freely access Balley Twins Road, you’ll find the first Mini Cargo Truck directly across from your car. Go around the metro station staircase to the end of the area, and you’ll find it in a small alcove.

Where to Find Ballet Twins Road Missing Mini Cargo Truck #2 and #3

The first Missing Mini Cargo Truck in the metro station in Zenless Zone Zero
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Head down the staircase and turn into the only passageway. There are two Mini Cargo Trucks here. The first has a doorway to its left. The second has a doorway to its right.

The second Missing Mini Cargo Truck in the metro station in Zenless Zone Zero
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Where to Find Ballet Twins Road Missing Mini Cargo Truck #4

The Missing Mini Cargo Truck near the statue in Zenless Zone Zero
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The 20th and final Missing Mini Cargo Truck is to the right of the large thinker monument in the square overlooking the bay. Head up to the statue and look to your right to find it.

That’s where you find all the Missing Mini Cargo Trucks in Zenless Zone Zero. For more, check out Zenless Zone Zero guides hub.

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