Follow our guide on Assassin's Creed Syndicate to properly distribute your hard earned experience points.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Guide: Skills, Gang Upgrades, and Crafting

Follow our guide on Assassin's Creed Syndicate to properly distribute your hard earned experience points.
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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is finally out and so is our guide on three most important upgrade menus in the game: Skills, Gang Upgrades, and Crafting. You need to get yourself acquainted with these upgrades, which are vital for a successful walkthrough of all the missions. Also, you may want to look at our guide to the first three sequences of the main story. Both guides will help you make the right decisions and invest your hard earned experience points into skills that will be of the most benefit to your characters.

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Assassin's Creed Syndicate skills tree guide

The new skill system in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate has three sections: Combat, Stealth, and Ecosystem. You can upgrade each skill by using points that you earn after accomplishing missions. Evie and Jacob, as the two main protagonists, have two independent, but similar skill trees. However, each earned skill point is shared by both of them.

This means that you can upgrade different skills for two of your characters independently, which is recommended. For example, turn Jacob into a Combat master and Evie into a Stealth specialist, while Ecosystem is equally important for both of them. Here are the most important skills you need to upgrade initially. Eventually you will have to upgrade them all.

  • Multi-Finisher allows Jacob to take out multiple thugs simultaneously.
  • Stun Attack disables your enemies for a short while and lets you accomplish a combo.
  • Unstoppable increases time limit for executing your combo attacks.
  • Counter lets you oppose the enemies’ attacks better.
  • Health Boost increases the amount of your health points.
  • Execute is a combination of a stun attack and a combo that deals massive damage.
  • Mutilate boosts your attacks and lets you bring your enemies down much faster.
  • Lockpicking is very important, as you will encounter lots of locked chests with great loot and locked doors along the way.
  • Stealth keeps enemies from noticing you and reduces any noise you make.
  • Assassin Steps reduce the fall damage and the noise level of your landing.
  • Intimidation keeps your kidnapped targets from escaping.
  • First Strike lets you deal massive damage before your enemy attacks.
  • Knife Master increases the amount of knives you can carry and their overall damage.
  • Eagle Vision allows you to see all the potential enemies around you.
  • Gunslinger recharges your gun automatically if it’s empty in the middle of the combo.
  • Leadership gives you more Rooks that accompany your characters during missions.
  • Scavenger helps you obtain more resources.
  • Defense reduces all melee damage received by your character.

Gang Upgrades

Assassin's Creed Syndicate gang upgrades

You can recruit people into your gang and take them with you on different missions. For upgrading your gang members you need to go to the main menu and choose Gang Upgrades. There you have three different skill trees: Ringleader, Insider and Swindler.


Ringleader allows you to make your Rooks stronger by leveling up skills like firepower or recruiting tougher characters, such as Brutes. Here is what you need to upgrade first:

  • Rook Training is a set of skills that helps your Rooks gain better combat abilities.
  • Rook Riders lets you purchase better carriages for the streets of London.
  • Rook Watchers lets your gang members use guns to defend themselves.
  • Carriage Sabotage makes blighters’ carriages less resilient.

Insider lets you increase the numbers of certain objects – such as hanging barrels over London – that make your missions a bit easier. Other perks include bribing the policemen, hiring kids, purchasing medicine and more. Here is what you need to upgrade first:

  • Police Bribes make policemen turn away if you perform any illegal activity.
  • Little Rooks allow you to recruit and train the kids of London to become better thieves.
  • Growler Boom is a perk that increases your popularity.
  • Medicine Market lets you buy medicine in shops.

Swindler is designed to give you more discounts on various items; hallucinogenic darts, ammunition, etc. You can also use this branch to increase your income by accomplishing heists. Here is what you need to upgrade first:

  • Black Market Affiliation lets you save on ammunition.
  • Pub Investor increases your overall income.


Assassin's Creed Syndicate craftingAssassin's Creed Syndicate upgrades

The crafting system in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is really easy to understand, but you still need to know a few key points to be able to use it in the most effective way. Once you’re in the crafting menu, you have two options: Gear and Upgrades.

  • Gear includes all your gauntlets, belts, certain types of melee weapons, cloaks and other items.
  • If you see a red icon on an item you wish to upgrade, it means that you lack certain materials necessary for crafting, or you simply don’t have enough money.
  • The black icon indicates that you have everything that is needed for an upgrade.
  • Some items require your character to reach a certain level before you will be able to craft or upgrade them.

Upgrades include items that you already have in your inventory, like throwing knives and bombs, that you can upgrade to be able to carry larger quantities of.

Come back soon for more awesome Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate guides at Gameskinny!

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