The Purrmaid from Cat Quest 3, sun setting in the background.
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Cat Quest 3: Where Are the Purrmaid’s Whirlpools (Happurly Ever After Achievement)

Knowing the location of all of Purrmaid's whirlpools is necessary to complete the Happurly Ever After achievement

The Purrmaid is one of the last optional NPCs that you can encounter in Cat Quest 3. Most likely, you will meet her while completing Sunset Island’s secrets, or perhaps while in the later stages of the main quest. Either way, as a thank you for freeing her, she will give you the ability to explore the content of whirlpools all around the game world. But what are the Purrmaid’s whirlpools? And how do you unlock the Happurly Ever After achievement?

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Finding the Purrmaid

The Purrmaid is hidden (or rather, has been hidden) in a small body of water in the main isle at the center of the Sunset Islands. Finding her is easy enough if you explore around, but if you need help, you can follow our map above.

The first time you come see the Purrmaid, you’ll have to use your ship’s cannon to break a wooden wall. This area is guarded by ships and octopus soldiers, but don’t worry. You don’t need to destroy your enemies; you just need to open the gate. If your ship isn’t strong enough, focus on breaking the gate and then run in before your ship is destroyed. The Purrmaid will thank you before giving you the Shell Phone, which allows you to draw treasures from whirlpools.

Where Are the Whirlpools in Cat Quest 3

The map above will help you find all the whirlpools in Cat Quest 3. There are seven whirlpools in total in the game. In case you need them, you’ll find the locations listed below.

  • Sunset Island
  • Twilight Isles
  • Twin Islands
  • Purvanna (lake)
  • Catuga
  • Furggy Island
  • Pawt Purvanna
  • Eastern Pawnman Isle

Interacting with the whirlpools will give you the following items: the Purrmaid Helm, the Purrmaid Vest, and the Tri-Claws. The first two grant health regeneration when in water, while the last is a powerful claw weapon. Visiting the Purrmaid again after you have found all the items will unlock the Happurly Ever After achievement.

That’s all for our Purrmaid’s whirlpools and Happurly Ever After achievement guide. For more content about Cat Quest 3, visit our CQ 3 guide hub.

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