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Destiny 2: How to Get Conditional Finality Exotic Shotgun

Add one of the best new Destiny 2 Exotics to your collection with this guide to getting the Conditional Finality Shotgun.

If you’re wondering how to get the Conditional Finality Exotic Shotgun in Destiny 2, you’ve come to the right place. Raid Exotics have always been sought-after, if only to say you have them and to complete the Raid-specific Title. The Conditional Finality Exotic Shotgun is worth farming for because it’s good. It can cause Stasis Freeze and Solar Ignite with close to 100% constancy, synergizes with builds of either class exceptionally well, and can easily deal with almost any Champion type.

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How to Get the Conditional Finality Raid Exotic Shotgun in Destiny 2

There’s only one way to get Conditional Finality in Destiny 2. You’ll need to beat the Root of Nightmares Raid and hope it’s one of your rewards from Nezerec, Final God of Pain. Conditional Finality doesn’t come from either his scythe or challenge reward chest.

If you get the Exotic Shotgun, it will go straight to your inventory or Postmaster. Like other Raid Exoics, there are no other sources of the weapon.

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Conditional Finality

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Thankfully, Bungie has added some ways to increase your chances of getting Conditional Finality to drop. Don’t expect a 100% drop rate, but if you go into the Dream Warrior Title page, you’ll see that many challenges have an Exotic Engram symbol next to them.

Completing any of these challenges grants a modest increase in the chance of getting Conditional Finality. The more you collect, the better your odds become. Many of the people I play with who didn’t get the Shotgun early on managed it in around 10 runs, and after completing about half of the challenges, I got mine around the same.

Best Uses for Conditional Finality

Once you do get Conditional Finality, you’ll want to take it for a spin. While it doesn’t solve every Destiny 2, it’s great for almost any content if you build around it. You’ll have to cover any anti-Champion mechanics it doesn’t already deal with.

Both Stasis and Solar builds can benefit immensely from this weapon, and it’s even good in the highest-difficulty content, provided you play your cards right.

That’s how to get the Conditional Finality Exotic Shotgun. There are, of course, other Exotic weapons worth getting in Destiny 2: Lightfall, including the Gjallarhorn, the Winterbite Exotic Heavy Glaive, and the Hierarchy of Needs. For more content on D2, check out our guides hub.

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