There are many item deliveries listed on the job board. Of the many smuggler requests you’ll come across, Wine is one of the harder-to-find commodities in the entire game. Here’s how to get Wine in Skull and Bones.
Where to Find Wine in Skull and Bones
Wine is a rare Compagnie commodity. You can first salvage it as Barrels of Wine during the opening scene while you’re looking for Scurlock’s loot at the crash site. These are slightly different from the Wine commodity but should be sold to Scurlock himself. He’ll purchase each barrel for 20 silver.

Where to Get Wine Bottles in Skull and Bones
Wine bottles are found along the International Trade Route. Running between England and Sainte-Amelie, as well as Sainte-Amelie and East Asia, it spans southeast of Fort Louis up to the Beruk Sea region. Merchant convoys sailing the area can have Wine as cargo. Scope out groups of ships with the Spyglass to see what you’d get as loot if you destroyed them.

Vessels in the area start at ship Level 9. The farther east you travel, the higher the ship levels get. Just into the Central Basin, I saw ships at Level 11. Convoys comprise at least three ships, so you must be prepared before attacking them. As with other commodities, Wine can sometimes be found in vendor inventories. You can also find Bottles as Floating Loot along the trade route, specifically near Three Brothers.

Every time I head to this area, it’s storming, so keep your eyes peeled for any packages that might be floating in the waves. They can be hard to spot in the churning waters. Even if the loot has Wine listed, the resource may not drop once you smash the boxes.
That’s how to acquire Wine in Skull and Bones. For other resource farming tips, how to solve treasure maps, or where to get Monstrous Tooth, navigate your way to our guide vault.
Published: Feb 15, 2024 03:43 pm