Here's everything you need to know about Cyberpunk 2077's romance options, including how to romance Panam.

How to Romance Panam, Judy, River, Kerry, and Meredith in Cyberpunk 2077

Here's everything you need to know about Cyberpunk 2077's romance options, including how to romance Panam.
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Including Panam and Meredith Stout, Cyberpunk 2077 has a handful of romance options to choose from, each with their own distinct place in the story and their own preferences in partner. If you’re wondering: “Who can you romance in Cyberpunk 2077?” — you’ve come to the right place. 

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Like many other RPGs with romance options, Cyberpunk 2077 requires that fulfill certain progression and dialogue requirements while appealing to to their tastes by being a specific gender. This means you cannot romance every potential partner in one playthrough.

Of course, if you’re just looking to have a good time, you can just visit Jig-Jig Street to hire a Joy-Toy, but the options there are extremely limited and ultimately, it’s best to invest yourself further into the world of Cyberpunk 2077 by getting involved with one of the fleshed-out characters you meet on your journey through the game.

Cyberpunk 2077 Romance Partners

How to Romance Panam Palmer

You’ll meet Panam during the Ghost Town quest, and you can romance her provided you’re playing a physically male V.

Romancing Panam isn’t too difficult, but you do need to flirt with her through your time together and participate in the Lightning Breaks and Riders on the Storm quests. Though she might not seem keen on the flirting, it’s necessary.

In the With a Little Help from My Friends quest, do not cooperate with Saul and tell him her plan. Don’t tell her you’re helping her for money, either.

You’ll have to complete the Queen of the Highway quest to fully romance her, and during the last stretch of the game, you’ll need to let Panam and the Aldecaldos help you to complete your romance journey with Panam.

How to Romance Judy Alvarez Romance

It’s impossible to miss Judy through the first hours of Cyberpunk 2077, but only female V characters will be able to romance her.

Whenever there is an option to call on Judy through the course of the game, you should do so. You’ll need to complete the quests Disasterpiece and Double Life, and when prompted with choices involving Judy later on, you’ll need to side with her no matter the consequences.

To wrap it all up on a good note, you’ll need to let Panam and the Aldecaldos help you near the end of the game. You will have to complete all of Panam’s quests throughout the course of the game before the last stretch to do this, so keep it in mind as you play.

How to Romance River Ward Romance

River is one romance option you’ll have to go out of your way for, as he only shows up if you take the quest I Fought the Law. Additionally, he can only be romanced by female V characters.

After you complete I Fought the Law, River will call you again with a quest titled The Hunt. Keep River alive, along with Randy, and be sure to choose Edgewater Farm at the right time. Stick with him throughout this segment to continue your journey to romance.

The dialogue options from here are fairly obvious, though you will need to choose the option to kiss him and say “Yes” to make your relationship permanent.

Again, you’ll have to choose to let Panam and the Aldecaldos help you near the end of the game in order to get the best result with River at the very end.

How to Romance Kerry Eurodyne

Kerry is another character that takes a bit of work to get to but is worth it if he’s your kind of guy. Kerry can only be romanced by male V characters.

You’ll have to delve into Johnny Silverhand’s quests to meet Kerry in the first place, culminating in the quest Holdin’ On, where you to actually meet him (in a less than ideal situation).

Take any quest involving Kerry, and when prompted to text him back after a particular quest, be sure to choose the option involving explosions and races. This is necessary to continue his questline.

Flirt with Kerry through the subsequent quests leading up to one named Boat Drinks, which seals the deal should you make the fairly obvious correct decisions on the boat. Once you two get down at the end of it all, you can choose to hug Kerry to take your relationship to the next level.

How to Sleep with Meredith Stout

You can spend some time with Meredith no matter whether V is male or female  you just have to avoid attacking her bodyguards during the early quest The Pickup.

Meredith will text you after you’ve finished the quest, and you’ll need to respond that you were just starting to like her. She’ll invite you to the No-Tell Motel, where you can do the deed. This is a one-time thing, and it’s the only way to get the Sir John Phallustiff iconic weapon.

That’s all there really is to say about romance options such as Panam and Meredith Stout in Cyberpunk 2077. There are some additional sex scenes that just fall into your lap (so to speak), but otherwise, getting down in Night City is about as easy as you’d expect. Check out our other Cyberpunk 2077 guides here on GameSkinny, covering the ins and outs of CDPR’s latest RPG.

[Editor’s note: John Schutt contributed the photos used in this guide.]

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