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Pokemon GO: How to Catch Sandygast — Can It Be Shiny?

Looking to add the Sand Heap Pokemon to your collection in Pokemon GO? Here's how to catch Sandygast.

Sandygast made its debut into Pokemon GO during the 2023 Water Festival event Beach Week. Less of a sand castle and more of a good attempt at one, Sandygast are known to lie in wait for the perfect moment to scare passersby. As a Ground and Ghost type Pokemon, it loves to give a good fright. If you want to catch a Sandygast, especially a Shiny Sandygast in PoGO, here’s what you need to know.

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How to Catch Sandygast in Pokemon GO

Sandygast can be caught in the wild and seen as a Pokemon Encounter when completing Event Field Research. On top of that, Sandygast will spawn at some 1-Star raids. Encountering it in Raids and when completing Field Research will only last as long as the event, which ends June 12 at 8 p.m.

If you’re wanting to get a Palossand, Sandygast’s evolution, you’ll need to save up 50 Sandygast Candy. Palossand will also appear in the wild, though far less frequently than Sandygast. Keep an eye out for Sandygast Raids, as that may be the most effective way to get Candy. Be sure to clear some of the Special Research tasks for Beach Week, too.

Can Sandygast be Shiny in Pokemon GO — Answered

Can Sandygast be shiny in Pokemon GO? Since Sandygast just appeared in the wilds of PoGO, its Shiny version hasn’t been released yet. That doesn’t mean it won’t be released in the future, but it could take some time. The pattern for releasing Pokemon is pretty reliable: a Pokemon debuts, then the Shiny version is released later, often during a Community Day. I know I’ll be waiting for the day Shiny Sandygast gets released, and we’ll update this guide when it does.

That’s all you need to know if you’re wondering how to catch a Sandygast in PoGO — or if it can be shiny yet. For more guides on Shiny Pokemon, Raids, or event walkthroughs, check out our Pokemon GO guides library.

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