Need to optimize your Pokemon's Nature? Check out Nature Mints, a new consumable we cover in this guide to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Nature Mints Guide — How to Get and Use Them and What They Do

Need to optimize your Pokemon's Nature? Check out Nature Mints, a new consumable we cover in this guide to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Natures are one of the core mechanics in the Pokemon games, and they return in Scarlet and Violet. They’re the most clear-cut way to know how your team’s stats will increase. Almost every nature is a flat increase to one stat’s growth rate while cutting another, and to make the most of the system you’ll need to get used to Nature Mints.

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There are 25 natures total, but only twenty of them actually affect stats. Quirky, Bashful, Docile, and Serious allow all stats to grow equally. To add to the complexity, Serious has a Nature Mint associated with it, which we’ll get into below. Here’s everything you need to know about Nature Mints in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Nature Mints Guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

You can find Nature Mints in the world of Paldea, but your best source is the Chansey Supply shops scattered around the world. The easiest of those to reach is the one in eastern Mesagoza.

Note that you won’t have access to any Mints when you first start the game, and you won’t have the complete list until late, as they don’t become available in shops until you beat the sixth Gym.

That scarcity means you’re better off waiting until after you’ve beaten at least all eight Gyms, and possibly the Elite Four and Champion, just to be sure you can buy any of the ones you need. Natures are most important for endgame Tera Raid preparation, and while they’re certainly helpful during the main story, they aren’t necessary.

Nature Mints are also incredibly expensive: 20,000 Poke Dollars for a single Mint.

Nature Mints and What They Do
  • Adamant Mint: Attack up, Special Attack down.
  • Bold Mint: Defense up, Attack down.
  • Brave Mint: Attack up, Speed, down.
  • Calm Mint: Special Defense up, Attack down.
  • Careful Mint: Special Defense up, Special Attack down.
  • Gentle Mint: Special Defense up, Defense down.
  • Hasty Mint: Speed up, Defense down.
  • Impish Mint: Defense up, Special Attack down.
  • Jolly Mint: Speed Up, Special Attack down.
  • Lax Mint: Defense up, Special Defense down.
  • Lonely Mint: Attack up, Defense down.
  • Mild Mint: Special Attack up, Defense, down.
  • Modest Mint: Special Attack up, Attack down.
  • Naive Mint: Speed up, Special Defense down.
  • Naughty Mint: Attack up, Special Defense down.
  • Quiet Mint: Special Attack up, Speed down.
  • Rash Mint: Special Attack up, Special Defense down.
  • Relaxed Mint: Defense up, Speed down
  • Sassy Mint: Special Defense up, Speed down.
  • Serious Mint: All grow evenly, a little better.
  • Timid Mint: Speed up, Attack Down.

Using Nature Mints is like using any other item. Head to the Other Items tab in your Bag, scroll down to the Mint you want to use and choose the Pokemon you want to use it on.

You’ll get a notice that the stats might change, but you want that, so use the Mint. Be aware that the nature in the Check Summary page might not change, but the Pokemon’s stats will.

Whether this is a bug or is intended for some reason, using a Mint is successful either way. That’s about everything you need to know about Nature Mints in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. If you plan on taking on 6-star Tera Raid Battles, you’ll want to optimize your team’s Natures, on top of many other factors.

To earn the right to buy Nature Mints, you should follow our best Gym order guide, and knowing how to raise friendship will also be helpful. Our Scarlet and Violet guides hub has more.

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