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Remnant 2: The Awakened King – How to Get the Abyssal Hook Weapon

Rip apart your foes with the Abyssal Hook in Remnant 2: The Awakened King.

Smash and slice your foes with a new deadly melee weapon at your disposal. Here’s our guide on how to get the Abyssal Hook in Remnant 2: The Awakened King.

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How to Get the Abyssal Hook in Remnant 2: The Awakened King

To get the Abyssal Hook in Remnant 2: The Awakened King, you need to defeat two Rat Ogres in the sewers area of the Forlorn Coast. Before we discuss that battle in detail, you might want to check out how to start the DLC in the first place, as well as how it differs from other zones due to being a one-shot adventure.

Abyssal Hook Location

Procedural generation and randomness might apply when you’re making your way through the Forlorn Coast in The Awakened King DLC. In my case, I had to go through The Great Sewers, which led me to another section of the Forlorn Coast. I spotted a fast travel point/World Crystal for the Drowned Wen area there.

I saw the towering castle in the distance, but there was also a nearby well. I made my way down the well, which took me to the sewers.

There, I fought two Rat Ogre enemies. Watch out since they’ve got fast and punishing attacks. Likewise, they’ll try to scurry away and replenish their health for several seconds before returning to the thick of the fray.

Once you’ve eliminated them, check the small nook near the sewer chamber. You should find the Abyssal Hook waiting for you.

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Abyssal Hook Stats and Perks

The Remnant 2: The Awakened King Abyssal Hook weapon has the following characteristics:

  • Damage: 101
  • Critical hit chance: 6%
  • Weak spot damage: 85%
  • Stagger modifier: 80%
  • Unique mod: Fathomless Deep – Charged melee hits grant the “Fathomless Deep” effect, which increases melee stagger by 10% per stack for five seconds; maximum of three stacks.
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That’s everything you need to know about how to get Abyssal Hook in Remnant 2: The Awakened King. The DLC itself has other goodies, such as the Elevated Ring. For more tips and strategies, you can visit our R2 guides hub.

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