A Taiga Village inside of a Minecraft Woodland Mansion
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Top 20 Minecraft 1.18.2 Seeds

Take a closer look at the biome and structure generation in our top 20 list of the best Minecraft 1.18.2 seeds.

Minecraft 1.18.2 provides players with a deeper look at the unusual biome and structure generation that’s now even more extreme than before. Our selection of the top 20 Minecraft 1.18.2 seeds features numerous glitchy, merged, and outright strange structures in the Overworld and underground.

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Minecraft 1.18.2: Top 20 Seeds List

Desert Swamp

A large Swamp inside of a Minecraft Desert biome
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A large Swamp biome cuts through the Desert at the start of this world. Inside of the Swamp, you’ll find a singular Witch Hut complete with a Witch and a black cat. Explore the Desert around it to find a multitude of Desert Villages and Desert Temples.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Witch Hut: -445, 244Desert Village 1: -362, 252
Desert Village 1: 32, 304Witch Hut: -428, 245
Desert Temple: 266, 152Desert Village 2: 169, 154
Pillager Outpost: 251, -251Desert Village 3: 153, -247
Desert Village 2: 148, -548Desert Temple 1: 361, 169
Desert Village 2: 105, -807Desert Temple 2: 522, 360

Snowy Mountain Mansion

A Minecraft Woodland Mansion in front of a Frozen Peaks mountain
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When you enter this world, the first thing you see is a towering mountain range that looks impossible to climb. You always have the option to travel the other way if the mountain is too daunting. However, choosing to defy the odds and climb over the Frozen Peaks biome will reward you greatly! Java players will find a Woodland Mansion on the other side of the mountain while Bedrock players will have a Pillager Outpost on top of it. They’re both amazing structures that you won’t find if you choose to play it safe.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Snowy Mountain Mansion: 286, 341Pillager Outpost: 390, 232

Stony Savanna outpost

A Pillager Outpost on a tall Stony Peaks mountain in Minecraft
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These tall Stony Peaks mountains are visible from Spawn. When you walk to them, you’ll be surprised to find a Pillager Outpost hidden in their crater. To their left is a Plains Village while a few Savanna Villages can be found behind them. Java players will not find these structures, instead having two Plains Village and a ruined Nether portal.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Ruined Nether portal: -248, 200Savanna Village: -312, 344
Plains Village 1: -512, 160Stony Savanna outpost: -582, 473
Plains Village 2: -144, -400Plains Village: -735, 203

Coral village

A Desert Village on top of a Coral Reef in Minecraft
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If Coral Reefs are one of your favorite Minecraft biomes, this seed is for you. The Desert Village closest to Spawn extends into the ocean above a colorful Coral Reef. By looking across the Ocean, you’ll see a Pillager Outpost on the other side of the water. The reef itself is riddled with structures and cave entrances that are sure to contain an unforeseeable amount of treasures.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Desert Village: 247, -143Coral Village: 223, -267
Large Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster: 344, -211Shipwreck: 52, -244
Shipwreck: 452, -449Pillager Outpost: 153, -956

Icy Mushroom Island

A Minecraft Mushroom Island surrounded by Icebergs, shipwrecks, and a Plains Village
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  • Seed: 638773
  • Coordinates: 157, -278
  • Biomes: Mushroom Island, Plains

Spawn on a beach near a village with blacksmith. On the iceberg next to you, there is a Titanic shipwreck that has a loot chest with a treasure map inside. Cross over the ice to the west to find a safe haven in the form of a Mushroom Island. The waters around it are littered with shipwrecks and Cold Ocean Ruins containing even more treasure.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Blacksmith Village: 228, -375Shipwreck: 233, -149
Shipwreck: 101, -205Ocean Monument: -328, -408
Mushroom Island: -45, -154Mushroom Island: -45, -154

Taiga Village in Woodland Mansion

A Taiga Village inside of a Minecraft Woodland Mansion
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  • Seed: 1123640121
  • Coordinates: 24, -56
  • Biomes: Taiga, Dark Forest

I’ve never seen a Woodland Mansion seed quite like this! The Woodland Mansion has generated right next to Spawn with a Taiga Village inside of it. Villagers and their homes are scattered throughout the Mansion. This disrupts the hostile mobs in the Mansion and even traps a few of them. It’s a gorgeous seed that you definitely don’t want to miss.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Plains Village in Woodland Mansion: 68, 72Plains Village: -152, -840

Double village island

A Minecraft island with a Plains Village and a Savanna Village
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  • Seed: 2592110
  • Coordinates: -38, -41
  • Biomes: Savanna, Plains, Ocean

A small island with two different villages is found in the ocean to the north of Spawn. This island is very close to the mainland, so it’s easy to reach. Instead of these island villages, Bedrock players will have the same villages on the mainland. As a bonus, there is a small Mushroom Island very close to Spawn as well.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Mushroom Island: 460, -8Mushroom Island: 460, -8
Plains Village: 656, -431Savanna Village: 88, -296
Savanna Village: 637, -730Plains Village: -405, -243

Ice Spikes settlements

Two Snowy Villages in a Minecraft Ice Spikes biome
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  • Seed: 1607216
  • Coordinates: 9, -10
  • Biomes: Ice Spikes, Snowy Tundra

The Ice Spikes biome isn’t as rare as it was in previous Minecraft versions, allowing you to find cool seeds like this one. It stretches well over 400 blocks in the northwestern direction. You’ll spawn next to a Snowy Village hidden in the Ice Spikes with a second village to the southwest and an igloo with a basement to the northeast.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Snowy Village 1: 7, 13Igloo with basement: 371, -140
Snowy Village 2: -176, 224Buried Treasure 1: -184, 62, -120
Igloo with basement: 195, -330Buried Treasure 2: -232, 58, 328

Nether adventure

A Nether portal leading to a Bastion Remnant in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 109513178
  • Coordinates: -6, -6
  • Biomes: Taiga

This seed has two Taiga Villages with an exposed ruined portal at spawn. It offers a great opportunity for all Nether treasure hunters as the portal will lead you straight to a Bastion Remnant and a Nether Fortress. You will gain access to all the loot inside their chests as soon as you cross the lava pool. The ruined portal for Bedrock players will instead drop them into a Warped Forest.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Taiga Village 1: 6, -6Taiga Village: 69, 16
Taiga Village 2: 65, -168Igloo with basement: -323, 243
Ruined Nether portal: 72, 56Ruined Nether portal: -609, 368

Meadow Mountain village

A Minecraft village in a crater on a Meadow Mountain
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  • Seed: 4211592
  • Coordinates: -10, -10
  • Biomes: Jagged Peaks, Meadow

On certain occasions, villages can spawn in the middle of the mountains if there is a small patch of other biomes. This seed gives you one such village on the Meadow Mountain next to Spawn. If you travel to the right of the village, you’ll find a large ravine containing a giant Lush Cave!

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Meadow Mountain village: 115, 8Ruined portal: 123, 99
Giant ravine: 6, 104Giant ravine: 6, 104

Coral Outpost

A Minecraft Pillager Outpost next to a Desert Temple and a Coral Reef
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  • Seed: 3586570
  • Coordinates: 52, 0
  • Biomes: Coral Reef, Desert, Jungle

You spawn between a Desert and a Jungle in this seed. By exploring around, you’ll find a Desert Village next to Spawn and a Pillager Outpost on top of a Desert Temple by a Coral Reef. The Jungle also has Jungle Temples waiting to be explored.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Desert Village: 23, -11Jungle Temple: 132, 86
Coral Outpost with Temple: -167, -168Shipwreck: 72, -166

Survival island village

A small Minecraft survival island with a Plains Village and a shipwreck
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  • Seed: 22034351
  • Coordinates: 24, 63
  • Biomes: Plains, Ocean

An isolated survival island is the star of the show in this seed. There is a large village on top of the island and a top-tier shipwreck next to it. You can travel to the east to find the mainland, where you’ll discover a second village. If you prefer staying on the open sea, head south for an Ocean Monument.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Island village: 34, 65Buried Treasure 1: -56, 48, 72
Shipwreck: 132, 240Buried Treasure 2: 88, 45, 24
Ocean Monument: -304, 336Shipwreck: -216, -104

Beginner’s Blacksmith spawn

A Minecraft plains with a mountain, three villages, and a Pillager Outpost
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  • Seed: 1032680
  • Coordinates: 9, 1
  • Biomes: Various

Here is a seed for those who like to play in easy mode! You’ll find three villages at Spawn, including one with a Blacksmith. There’s also a Pillager Outpost to the right of the first village that will help you gather experience for enchanting. Instead of these structures, Bedrock players will have one large village with two Blacksmiths and three buried treasure chests.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Plains Village 1: 12, 34 Plains Village: -312, 331
Plains Village 2: -240, 16Buried Treasure 1: -440, 64, 8
Taiga Village: -252, -183Buried Treasure 2: -440, 86, -56
Pillager Outpost: 216, 7Buried Treasure 3: -504, 60, 72

Steep Taiga islands

A set of tall Taiga islands in Minecraft
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Survival islands come in all kinds of shapes and sizes in Minecraft 1.18. The island in this seed is made of a mountainous Taiga biome with a cliffside village. You’ll find this island next to several similar ones, including one with an Old Growth Taiga biome.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Taiga island: -346, 52Taiga island: -346, 52
Lush Cave: -496, 73, -340Lush Cave: -496, 73, -340
Taiga Village: -701, 51Ruined Nether portal: -556, 39

Mini Mushroom Island

A small Minecraft Mushroom Island near a Plains Village on a beach
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  • Seed: 1940819
  • Coordinates: 289, 266
  • Biomes: Ocean, Mushroom Island, Plains

Minecraft players should always check the whole area around Spawn for some unexpected gems. In this seed, you will find a small Mushroom Island just a few hundred blocks up north. You’ll also find an island village to the northeast of the island. The best part of the seed is the ruined Nether portal within this island village.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Mushroom Island: 3, 26Mushroom Island: 3, 26
Island village with portal: 332, -506Shipwreck: 298, 169

Woodland Mansion’s village

A Taiga Village next to a Woodland Mansion in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 983924174
  • Coordinates: 0, 0
  • Biomes: Dark Forest, Taiga

If you want these villagers to be relatively safe, it would be a good idea to clear out all of the hostile mobs inside of the Woodland Mansion. Afterward, light up all of the Mansions rooms and explore it to uncover any secret rooms it contains. Be sure to check for fake walls that could be hiding areas. Also, climb on top of the Mansion and look into its windows to see if you can spot any rooms you haven’t been able to reach inside the Mansion.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Woodland Mansion with Village: 72, 79Shipwreck: -102, -117

Snowy island survival

A snowy Minecraft island with a Snowy Village
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  • Seed: 2786716
  • Coordinates: 240, -256
  • Biomes: Forest, Snowy Tundra

You will spawn in a snowy island village with a patch of green forest. Chop down several of the island’s trees, craft a boat, and sail to the southwest to find a miniature Mushroom Island. The waters between the two islands are home to a variety of structures, including shipwrecks, Ocean Monuments, and even a few Cold Ocean Ruins.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Snowy Village: 296, -288Igloo with basement: 370, -259
Shipwreck: 185, -257Shipwreck: 203, 57
Tiny Mushroom Island: -82, 104Tiny Mushroom Island: -82, 104

Amethyst Stronghold

An amethyst geode in a Minecraft Stronghold
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  • Seed: 91255
  • Coordinates: 0, 32
  • Biomes: Sunflower Plains, Desert

Most End Portal rooms are pretty typical with the only differences being how many Eyes of Ender are in the portal. This one is unique because an amethyst geode generates through the room, filling part of the End Portal. Despite this, the portal remains functional. It’s a rare sight that you may only ever see just this once.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Amethyst Stronghold: -1,088, -35, -1,011Stronghold: -1,010, 2, 373

Straight to Fortress

A nether portal teleporting you into a Nether Fortress in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 96768544
  • Coordinates: -6, 1
  • Biomes: Desert

You will spawn in a nice Desert Village with a ruined Nether portal that doesn’t need much work to be fully restored. All you’ll need is a few blocks of obsidian as the portal’s chest contains a flint-and-steel and a few pieces of gold armor. This portal will take you inside a Nether Fortress next to a treasure chest for easy loot.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Desert Village: 20, 47Desert Temple: 59, 232
Ruined Nether portal: 21, 21Desert Village: 230, 198
Nether portal chest: 20, 63, 16Ravine: 162, 167

Halved shipwreck over sunken Monument

A Minecraft shipwreck cut in half floating over an Ocean Monument
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  • Seed: 17553628
  • Coordinates: 17, -5
  • Biomes: Ocean, Plains

Java players spawn next to a large seaside village with several of the homes floating above a pool of lava. If you choose to explore the ocean, you’ll find a unique combination of a shipwreck and an Ocean Monument. A large part of the shipwreck is missing while the Ocean Monument has sunk into a small ravine. Continue traveling to the north across the ocean to come across a massive Mushroom Island continent as well.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Village with lava pool: 17, -5Shipwreck: 47, -194
Halved shipwreck: 147, -134Ocean Monument: 200, -344
Ocean Monument: 143, -158Ruined portal with shipwreck: 253, -518
Mushroom Island: 8, -488Mushroom Island: 8, -488

That’s it for my list of the top 20 seeds for Minecraft 1.18.2 version. Stay tuned for more Minecraft tips and tricks articles on Gameskinny, like our Best Minecraft Seeds for Lazy People.

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