The mad tiger spirit from Black Myth: Wukong
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Where to Find All Spirits in Each Chapter in Black Myth: Wukong

Use this guide to learn the location of every spirit in Black Myth: Wukong.

Spirits in Black Myth: Wukong let you take on the shape and power of many of your enemies, big and small. Most spirits offer both an active skill, usually an additional attack, and a passive buff, which is usually something minor. All of them cost Qi to activate, though how resource-intensive they are depends on the individual spirit, and all of them can be improved at a shrine. This guide will teach you where to find all Spirits in Black Myth: Wukong.

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Where to Find Spirits in Black Myth Wukong: Chapter 1

The Guanmou spirit from Black Myth: Wukong
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Spirit nameLocation
Wandering WightWandering in the forest in the first large area of the game, must be defeated before sounding bells.
GuanmouIn Snake Path, hard to miss.
Wolf AssassinGo left at the end of the bridge after Outside the Cave.
Baw-Li-Guhh-LangJump off the ridge in Snake Trail and into the river below.

Spirits Locations in Chapter 2

The Rat Imperial Guard spirit from Black Myth: Wukong
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Spirit nameLocation
Swift BatIn a cave near the First Prince boss fight, behind a crack in the wall.
PoisestoneIn a cave near Rockrest Flat.
SpearboneOn the road between Stone Vanguard boss and Rockrest Flat.
Rat GovernorRight behind the area of the Stone Vanguard.
Gore-eyed DaoistOn the road following Windseal Gate.
Earth WolfInside the village near Village Entrance, guarding the horse NPC.
Rat ArcherAt the gates of the village, near Village Entrance.
Civet SergeantBelow the arena of the Tiger Vanguard boss fight.
Rat Imperial GuardAt the gates of the second village, near Windrest Bridge.
Tiger’s AcolyteOn the bridge next to the second village, near Windrest Hamlet.
Mad TigerSee dedicated section below

Spirits Locations in Chapter 3

the Non-Pure spirit from Black Myth: Wukong
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Spirit nameLocation
Mountain PatrollerStart of chapter 3, on the main road.
FungimanDisguising as a mushroom in the Pagoda Realm.
Falcon HermitBelow the Warding Temple shrine, near a frozen lake.
Blade MonkFrom the Outside the Wheel shrine go towards the wheel and move right until you reach a chest. Drop down one floor by falling from the edge.
Red Haired YakshaUnlocked during main story .
Non-WhiteUnlocked during main story.
Crow Diviner In the lake below Brook of Bliss shrine.
Non-AbleGo uphill from the Brook of Bliss shrine.
Clay VajraIn the large temple near the final boss of Chapter 3.
Apramana BatNext to large fossil found near North Shore of Bitter Lake shrine.
Non-PureUnlocked through the White Fox side quest.
Non-VoidIn temple next to Non-Pure.

Spirits Locations in Chapter 4

The fungi woman spirit from Black Myth: Wukong
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Spirit nameLocation
Lantern HolderTurn left after the start of Chapter 4.
Beetle CaptainIn a small cave after the Upper Hollow shrine.
Centipede GuaiIn the boss arena near Bonevault.
Dragonfly GuaiOn an elevated platform after Purifying Spring shrine.
Snake SheriffIn the Temple of Yellow Flowers.
Puppet SpiderHidden between Bonevault and Cape Village shrines, behind hanging webs.
Puppet TickNear the Relief of the Fallen Loong shrine.
Scorpion PrinceIn the middle of the underground village near Verdure Bridge.
Elder ArmorwormMust be grown in Paint World after killing the Armorworm in Chapter 4.
Commander BeetleOn the main path, right before Temple Entrance shrine.
Fungi WomanIn a meadow, on the other side of the Court of Illumination.
Snake HerbalistIn the Chapter 4 secret area.
Verdant GlowIn the Chapter 4 secret area.

Spirits Locations in Chapter 5

The Mother of Flames spirit from Black Myth: Wukong
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Spirit nameLocation
Father of StoneRight after the Height of Ember shrine.
CharfaceIn a cave after Height of Ember shrine.
Flint ChiefInside volcano, where the floor is lava.
Turtle TreasureInside volcano, where the floor is lava, next to a golden chest.
Earth RakshasaInside volcano, turn left when going up the stairs to leave the area.
Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes TopRight after throne room, after defeating the metal sphere on the surface.
Flint GuardianTake a left when following the metal sphere on the surface.
Mother of FlamesRight after the Fling Guardian boss.
Misty CloudOn the road to Rakshasa Palace.
Nine Capes LinghziNear Ashen Pass III.
Bull GovernorAfter Deep Cave shrine in Chapter 5 secret area.

Where to Find the Mad Tiger Spirit

The mad tiger spirit from Black Myth: Wukong
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The Mad Tiger is one of the hardest spirits to find in Black Myth: Wukong. The spirits hidden inside a secret area require you to unlock their location, but they are otherwise out in the open. Instead, the Mad Tiger requires you to complete a long quest made of seemingly arbitrary parts.

First, you should find the Tiger’s Acolyte and acquire his spirit. You’ll also get a toy drum. Playing this instrument in the right locations will summon the spirit of a child who is in communication with the Mad Tiger. You’ll need to play the drum in three locations. The game doesn’t give you any real clues, but know that they are all located inside the two villages of this region.

The first location is in the Windrest Hamlet, and it’s easy enough to find. You will be prompted to play the drum, which will start a cutscene. The sickly ghost-child will say something about petrification and falling down a well. Ignore him, as those are clues for the final location, not the next. The second step of this side quest actually brings us all the way to Village Entrance, near the first village of the region.

Finishing the Mad Tiger Spirit Side Quest

Finally, the third location brings us back to the Windrest Hamlet. Slightly outside of the town is a well. Activate the drum and jump into the well, where you will fight the Mad Tiger.

That’s all for our guide on where to find all Spirits in Black Myth: Wukong. For more content about the game, visit our BMW guide hub.

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