[Updated Oct.24] Check out the Pokemon Go Halloween event on the next slide!
One of the best holidays of the year is almost here: Halloween! A time for creepy haunted houses, glowing pumpkins, hay rides in the dark, bonfires, fun costumes and— of course— candy!
As gamers, we have the added bonus of in-game Halloween events. Special game modes, skins, and quests are being patched into our favorite games. In-game shops are starting to carry special wares for the holidays, and avatars find themselves dressed to impress with a spooky new look. Even better, most of these special events last longer than a single night, meaning we can enjoy the holiday several times over.

New! Pokemon Go: Halloween 2016
Oct. 26 - Nov. 1st
Great news, Trainers! In Pokemon Go's first ever Halloween event, you earn double the candy for catching Pokemon, sending them to Professor Willow, and even walking your Buddy! In addition, global encounter rates have been increased for the spookiest Pokemon available: Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Drowzee, Hypno, and -- everyone's favorites ;) -- Zubat and Golbat. So grab your gear, pick a costume, and get ready!

Overwatch— Halloween Terror
Oct 18-Nov 1
Our favorite characters get new looks with the Halloween packs in Overwatch. From Witch Mercy to Junkenstein, each skin is a spin on some of our favorite Halloween stories and traditional costumes. A spooky new Haunted Hollywood map is available, allowing players a new environment to explore.
However, the new skins aren't the highlight of the holiday. Overwatch has also introduced a new PvE Brawl mode: Junkenstein's revenge. Join your teammates in a quest to protect the castle from a swarm of enemy minions. Check out our Overwatch Halloween event guide for everything you need to know about this event.

Minecraft PE and Win. 10 Edition— Campfire Tales
Currently Available
By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes!
At the tail end of September, Minecraft started teasing followers on Twitter with "Campfire Tales" - ghost stories in the form of short poems telling the tales of wicked spirits haunting the realm. From Rancid Anne to Ol' Diggy, each of the 16 stories now boast their own skin. Hop into a friend's server, mute your microphone, and prepare to give them a fright with one of these creepy skins.
The "Campfire Tales" Skin pack is now available for Minecraft PE and Minecraft - Windows 10 Edition.
For even more Halloween fun, check out "6 Minecraft Maps to Play for Halloween" and "6 Minecraft Halloween Mods"!

League of Legends— Doom Bots of Doom
Oct 20-24, Oct 28-31
Riot Games invites players to test their luck against the nightmare of Doom Bots. Doom Bots feature a high-level AI team on a special edition of the Summoner's Rift map. Players must work together to survive the battle until the AIs band together to summon the ultimate boss: Little Devil Teemo. To win the game, teams must defeat Teemo rather than take down the enemy base. In fact, enemy turrets will be invulnerable, so there's no point in trying.
Doom Bots will push lanes relentlessly for fifteen minutes, after which Little Devil Teemo is summoned. They will not recall or shop, and if you managed to kill an enemy champion, they'll return to lane quickly. The Rift has been halved in size, giving teams less room to maneuver and setting a more hectic pace for gameplay.
Can you survive and take down Teemo? Or will your base fall?

World of Warcraft— Hallow's End
Oct. 11 - Nov. 1
World of Warcraft is no stranger to in-game Halloween special events. From special achievements to challenging the Headless Horseman, gamers in the MMO have plenty of activities from which to choose. However, there are some key changes this year. Trick-or-Treating is no longer an hourly event
Trick-or-Treating is no longer an hourly event. Instead, players receive tricky treats through dailies while pumpkin spreads are found throughout inns. Players receive a one-time gift of two treats from every inn they visit. Masks, wands, candy, and toys will be available from special vendors. These vendors, as well as new quest-givers, can be found outside of Stormwind and Undercity within special holiday hubs.
Players can also earn the title "Hallowed" by completing the below list of specific Halloween achievements to complete the quest Hallowed Be Thy Name.
- Trick or Treat!
- Bring Me The Head of... Oh Wait
- That Sparkling Smile
- G.N.E.R.D. Rage
- The Masquerade
- Tricks and Treats of Azeroth
- Out With It
- The Savior of Hallow's End
- Rotten Hallow
- Check Your Head
- Sinister Calling

Guild Wars 2— Shadow of the Mad King
Starting Oct. 18
The pumpkin-headed former ruler of the Thorn dynasty returns to Lion's Arch this year in Guild Wars 2. Players will have the opportunity to challenge themselves with special mini-games and collect special items. Special activities include the return of the Mad King's Clock Tower jumping puzzle and the Mad King's Labyrinth. Don't forget about the candy corn!
The team over at Guild Wars 2 promises players "ghoulish capers, spooky fights, and holiday fun... tricks, treats, and terrible jokes."

Second Life
Dates vary per event
From the Mad House to Panic of Pumpkin 2016 in Okinawa, the Mad Circus Halloween & Gacha Fair, and everything in between, fans of the creative content driven, online virtual world have plenty of Halloween events to choose from. Check out the Marketplace to find special seasonal items offered by various developers, or go exploring through many of the zombie-infested sims presented across the realm. Dress your avatar in a holiday-themed attire or in a complete costume, and don't forget to deck out your decor!
Be sure to check out the Gloxinia region's Fantasy World for sims such as "Zombie City." A list of Zombie destinations and where to find them can be found here.

RuneScape— Dimension of Disaster
All players— free and members alike —will have the opportunity to travel through a dimensional rift to the Dimension of Disaster. Here, players can work with Dr. Fenkenstrain by dismembering cadavers and taking the pieces to the "good" Doctor to build their very own monstrosity and collect macabre rewards, including a special-edition pet. While no starting date has been released, the team over at RuneScape have announced that the event will run for two weeks.
Please note that the Invention skill is not required to take part in this event.

The Elder Scrolls Online—Witches Festival
Oct. 13- Oct. 31
As spirits stir and the undead rise from ancestral tombs, stalwart adventurers will be tasked with special activities that will reward them with gruesome goodies, terrifying treasures, and awesome achievements. - TESOnline
Despite the knowledge that seasons, dates, and holidays are meant to play special parts in the Elder Scrolls Online lore, ZeniMax haven't done much with the idea. This year, however, their hosting a special Halloween event: the Witches Festival.
Players can collect a free item called the "Crow Caller" from the Crown Store to activate special quests and other events. This limited-time item will allow players to transform themselves into an Undead for a limited amount of time and can be used as many times as the player wishes before the beginning of November. Being Undead allows the players to gain extra benefits when defeating bosses and open special skulls chuck-full of loot.

World of Tanks: Blitz— The Night Hunt
Oct 10- Oct 24
Player have the chance to earn two premium tanks— T6 Dracula medium tank or the Helsing H0 tank destroyer. To earn one or both of these tanks, players must complete a series of parallel missions to earn Tokens of Light or Seals of Darkness. Please note: both tokens and seals will be needed to advance through the missions, regardless of which tank you want.
The event is based on a tale of Dracula versus Hellsing. According to the lore, when Hellsing defeated him, Dracula foretold that he and Hellsing would face each other again in a different realm with chariots of iron.

Now that you have an idea of what awaits in-game, it's time to get into the spirit of Halloween! Be sure to check out these other great articles to prepare for the best Gamer Halloween ever:
Published: Oct 11, 2016 10:56 pm