Gold Bullion stamp vending machine.
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How to Quickly Get Gold Bullion in Fallout 76

Gold Bullion is a specialty currency in Fallout 76.

Gold Bullion is a rare currency in Fallout 76, used to buy specialty plans for weapons, armor, and buildings. Acquired from specific vending machines it can take time to acquire the hundreds of solid metal bars needed to obtain those plans. This is how to get Gold Bullion in Fallout 76 quickly.

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What is the Fastest Way to Get Gold Bullion in Fallout 76

There are a few main ways to earn Gold Bullion:

  • Complete events
  • Claim from available Seasons rewards
  • Complete the Vault 79 storyline
  • Buy with Caps at the Wayward.

When you finish events, you get Treasury Bonds, which you exchange for gold bars at Gold Bullion vending machines.

Smiley at the Wayward.
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Making it to the end of the Vault 79 story means completing the Secrets Revealed quest. Doing so nabs you 1,000 in Gold Bullion. It also grants you access to the easiest and quickest way to stock up on the currency, Smiley.

After finishing Secrets Revealed, a man name Smiley appears at the Wayward on the second floor. He seems to be connected to the Secret Service in some way, and doesn’t quite tell you where he gets the vault gold from. Chatting with him allows you to buy Gold Bullion with Caps, which isn’t available anywhere else in Fo76. You can purchase 300 bars for 6,000 Caps once each week. The weekly reset is Tuesday at 9 am PST.

Caps are much easier to procure than Treasury Bonds, which can only be obtained through events. Even then, you get at most 5 Treasury Bonds per event completed. It takes hours to get 400 bonds, which only gets you 400 bars, the daily max. Caps can be earned in a number of ways and even found while adventuring in the wasteland.

What to Do With Gold Bullion in Fallout 76

Gold Bullion is used to purchase Lunchboxes, Perfect Bubblegum, or plans from Minerva, as well as Mortimer at Crater, Samuel at Foundation, and Regs at Vault 79. Plans include Secret Service Armor, Gauss Pistol, and the Chemist’s Backpack Mod.

That’s how to quickly get Gold Bullion in Fallout 76. A currency used to get unique plans, this will get you the gold you need for your next purchase. For more resource-farming methods, quest walkthroughs, or how to find cryptids, check out our Fallout 76 guide hub.

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