Villagers stand in front of a campfire in Minecraft
Image via Xbox Game Studios

Top 20 Minecraft 1.19.4 Seeds

While anticipating the huge next release for Minecraft, be sure to check out the best seeds for Minecraft 1.19.4.

The beginning of 2023 has been met with release of a minor 1.19.4 update for Minecraft, which doesn't do much except adding a new "/ride" command to the game and fixing some bugs.

Although Mojang still hasn't announced the release of the next highly anticipated 1.20 update, there is still a lot to explore in the new patch from February 2023.

This month's selection of top Minecraft seeds includes underground villages, massive woodland mansions, mountain villages, and many other cool features.

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Seed: 5589330133271921358

  • Spawn: 450, 450
  • Biomes: Forest, Plains.

A woodland mansion and mountain village at spawn!

You will actually spawn right at the mansion's foundation, so you may not see the village from there.

But once your step over the snowy slopes to the south of mansion, you'll see a nice village at the foot of the mount.

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Seed: -642009081436020097

  • Spawn: -50, 50
  • Biomes: Forest, Meadow

If you can't find shelter in the mountains, then you can get one inside the cave, where a village spawns at coordinates -300, 1950.

Half of the huts also spawn outside the cave, which allows you to go into overworld when necessary, and back again.

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Seed: 674539477434993133

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Plains, Savanna.

Spawn in the center of a square that consists of four villages occupying several biomes. Here are the exact coordinates of all settlements:

  • -400, -200
  • 50, -200
  • 100, 200
  • -200, 300

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Seed: 5212633

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Plains, Meadow.

You will spawn inside a crater of a ring mountain that has one village inside the ring, and another one right outside.

There is also an igloo on one of the cliffs at coordinates 50, -250, as well as an entrance into an ancient city at coordinates 100, -200.

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Seed: 1206491292

  • Spawn: 100, 50
  • Biomes: Plains, Forest.

Double village at spawn on a mostly flat surface!

Another good thing about this survival seed is the presence of the water sources in all four directions.

If you go to the south, you will arrive at an igloo at coordinates 700, 650, and if you go north, you will come to a desert temple at coordinates -950, -950.

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Seed: -9174563409211841799

  • Spawn: -50, -50
  • Biomes: Plains, Forest.

As you spawn near a village standing at the foot of the mountain, look to the top of the hill and you should see a glorious pillager outpost hovering right above the settlement.

This is a very rare circumstance when pillagers have the upper ground over the peaceful villagers that will have to put up a serious fight if they want to survive.

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Seed: -4017210867614482417

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Plains.

There is a huge flat sunflower plains biome at spawn that will satisfy every builder's imagination.

But underground is just as exciting as the overground, where you will find an exposed and fully buried shipwreck at coordinates -250, 15, -180.

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Seed: -2704739680354707985

  • Spawn: -50, 50
  • Biomes: Plains, Meadow.

You can see a very unusual pillager outpost at spawn standing on the platform right in front of the cave entrance.

If you manage to beat the pillagers, you can enter the cave for some amazing naturally generated dripstone architecture.

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Seed: 98760098733

  • Spawn: -100, 200
  • Biomes: Plains, Forest.

Finding an exposed dungeon under the ground can be really hard, but finding one in the overworld is almost impossible.

But if you don't mind traveling to coordinates 1700, -200, then you will find an exposed zombie dungeon right next to a plains village.

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Seed: 5154957738255504112

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Taiga.

If you need a quick access to the nether, in this seed you'll spawn very close to a ruined portal, which will take you straight to the nether fortress.

But there is more to it, as you will find a bastion remnant structure confined within the walls of the fortress.

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Seed: 5940909416526619034

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Plains, Meadow, Savanna

In case you need an access to both the village and nether, then travel to the coordinates -300, 350 very close to spawn.

There you will find a gorgeous acacia village and exposed ruined portal that goes straight to nether fortress.

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Seed: 4401407576582254956

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Forest, Ocean

Mining can sometimes get really tricky, but an exposed mineshaft takes away some of that difficulty.

This seed has such a mineshaft inside a cave at coordinates 150, -600. All you need is a torch and willingness to defeat some hostile mobs.

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Seed: -1845931940583094034

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Various

Mountain life is both exciting and dangerous, and this seed offers a cliff village for all those who wish to live on the edge at coordinates 650, 50.

There is also a pillager outpost not far away at coordinates 800, 150 if you wish to spice things up even further.

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Seed: -5972213212393336286

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Plains, Savanna

If cold mountains are too much for you, make your base in the warm shadow of the windswept savanna biome at coordinates -300, -900.

There are a couple of small lakes nearby, as well as massive dripstone cave under the ground.

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Seed: 7703929193298744538

  • Spawn: -50, 200
  • Biomes: Desert

It's rare for a structure to generate within another in Minecraft, and it makes some crazy combos when it does.

You can find a pillager outpost glitch into the desert temple at coordinates -900, 200. It makes the temple raiding a bit more difficult, but still manageable.

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Seed: -7459705961987081280

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Taiga, Meadow.

Spawn in a taiga forest next to a forest village that stands at coordinates -350, 50.

But if you're looking for something even more eye-pleasing, then travel to coordinates -750, 800, where you will find a village standing right in the middle of the flower biome.

Under the village there is also an ancient city at coordinates -500, 850.

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Seed: 545481499202

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Jungle.

Having a chance to raid a temple is great, but it's a jackpot when you get two or even three temples at spawn.

There is a desert temple with a village at coordinates 100, 150, and exposed ruined portal and another temple at coordinates 350, 50.

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Seed: 888555522462637

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Plains, Ice Spikes.

To the east of spawn there is a massive frozen ocean impacting the edge of the mainland, creating a small patch of ice spikes.

Lucky for us, there is a village and igloo located at this frozen area that softly transitions into warmer climate.

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Seed: 4168499146704

  • Spawn: 50, -50
  • Biomes: Various.

If you enjoy a wide variety of biomes close to spawn, then here is a seed that includes seven different biomes: plains, jungle, forest, savanna, badlands, stony peaks, and an ocean.

There is also an acacia village at coordinates -200, 50 and a ruined portal at coordinates -350, 50.

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Seed: 2790694759093952774

  • Spawn: 50, 50
  • Biomes: Desert.

Different structures may not always spawn in isolated areas, and at times they appear as a part of a settlement or any other structure.

In this seed you can find a desert temple inside the village at coordinates -500, 200, and an exposed mineshaft that stands next to pillager outpost at coordinates -350, -300.

That's it for this month's best Minecraft seeds for 1.19.4. Check out more Minecraft articles right here, including a huge catalog of awesome seeds for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch!

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