Ruins of Mortium ritual.
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V Rising Ruins of Mortium: All Enemies, V Blood Bosses, Resources, and Camp Locations

The Ruins of Mortium are a vampire soaked region in V Rising.

The Ruins of Mortium is the region of Vardoran taken over by the Legion of Noctum. The sun doesn’t shine there, and only those loyal to Dracula call it home, plotting the return of their master. These are all the enemies, V Blood bosses, resources, and camp locations in V Rising Ruins of Mortium area.

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V Rising Ruins of Mortium Region Guide

The Ruins of Mortium area is to the east of Dunley Farms, above Hallowed Mountains. It ‘s a mid to late game region, with enemies starting at level 50 and going above level 80.

V Rising vampire cultist foe in Ruins of Mortium.
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Dracula’s fanatical followers frequently open tears to the Shadow Realm, allowing his soldiers to pass through to Vardoran. Once there, their aim is to collect enough V Blood to resurrect Dracula. These tears are at the center of the new world events dubbed Rift Incursions.

Ruins of Mortium Enemies

There are a variety of new enemies introduced in the Rise of Mortium region. Aside from the Arctic Bear, Withered Vampire, and Frost Wolf, they all have the Draculin Blood type. The area also has new V Bloods for you to slaughter.

Hand of Dracula enemy in V Rising.
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Some of these foes only appear during Rift Incursions, the world event that summons Shadow Realm creatures to Vardoran.

  • Frost Wolf: Level 50
  • Vampire Cultist: Level 50
  • Withered Vampire: Level 52
  • Arctic Bear: Level 53
  • Hand of Dracula: Level 53
  • Shadowkin: Level 55
  • Giant Bat: Level 55
  • Blood Prophet: Level 57
  • Lesser Blood Soul: Level 57
  • Night Maiden: Level 57
  • Ripperbeast: Level 57
  • Gargoyle: Level Unknown
  • Exsanguinator: Level Unknown, Rift Incursion 2 (Level 80+)
  • Sanguinary Guard: Level Unknown
  • Slaughterbeast: Level Unknown, Rift Incursion 2 (Level 80+)
Rift Incursion 1 combat in V Rising.
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V Blood Bosses in Ruins of Mortium

  • General Elena the Hollow: Level 53
  • General Cassius the Betrayer: Level 57
  • General Valencia the Depraved: Level Unknown
  • Lord Styx the Night Champion: Level Unknown

Ruins of Mortium Resources

The single resource you can only find in the Ruins of Mortium is Bleeding Heart, a flower used in alchemical crafting. It’s similar in appearance to the background flowers accenting the land, so you’ll need to pay attention to the red glow around the plant.

They grow throughout the region, but if you really want to find them, Dracula’s Castle Garden is the best place to go. The plant is there in high numbers, which makes harvesting a large amount easy. I find this is one of the easiest flower resources to keep a high stock of because of this.

Additionally, the following resources can be harvested in Rise of Mortium:

  • Blood Rose
  • Stone
  • Sulphur Ore
  • Iron Ore
  • Gems
  • Wood
  • Quartz
  • Plant Fibre

Even though some of the ponds in the region aren’t frozen, there are no fishing spots in Ruins of Mortium.

Ruins of Mortium Locations

There are a number of camps in the region, including Vampire Merchants that you can purchase specialized weapons from. However, the main focal points are Dracula’s Castle, the courtyard, and the garden area. The closer you get to the castle proper, the more difficult the enemies become, with the Gargoyles and Sanguinary Guard looming over the entrance.

Sanguinary Guard watching the entrance to Dracula's Castle in V Rising.
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There are multiple ruins throughout the area, along with two Vampire Merchants and a Frozen Lake.

  1. Ancient Sacrificial Site
  2. Northern Vampire Merchant
    • Only accepts Greater Stygian Shards
  3. North Fortress Ruins
  4. Frozen Lake Ruins
  5. Dracula’s Castle
  6. Dracula’s Castle Courtyard
  7. Dracula’s Castle Garden
  8. Vampire Village Ruins
  9. West Fortress Ruins
  10. South Fortress Ruins
  11. Southern Vampire Merchant
    • Only accepts Stygian Shards
  12. Vampire Cemetery

There are three Waypoints in Ruins of Mortium. One to the northwest near the Dunley Farmlands entrance, one to the east, and another in the southwest toward the Hallowed Mountains.

Most of the northeastern ruins become Level 2 Rift Incursions, while the southwest ones remain Level 1. Regardless of incursion type, the Vampire Cultists and Hands of Dracula will remain the same level.

That’s all there is to know about the Ruins of Mortium region in V Rising, including camp locations, V Blood bosses, resources, and enemies. For more on the title, check out our V Rising guide compendium.

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