Telok Penjarah is one of the safe zones where a Kingpin of the sea resides. Not only is there a Helm operation, but it’s the only place to buy the Padewakang plans. This is where to find telok Penjarah and get the Padewakang ship blueprint in Skull and Bones.
How to Reach Telok Penjarah in Skull and Bones
Telok Penjarah is located to the northeast of Sainte-Anne in the East Indies region. Fortunately for me, I had progressed enough with the Helm for Yanita to send me there, giving me a quest marker to aid my navigation.

The map above shows the general route I took from Sainte-Anne to Telok Penjarah. I tried to follow the International Trade Route with Wine as cargo since I needed it. I also didn’t want to risk a mutiny and avoided Open Seas. Storms raged throughout most of the journey, including a few Rogue Waves. While I wanted to get to calmer waters quickly, having Trim active consistently sent me the wrong direction.
The ships in this area range from ship Level 8 up to ship Level 11. There are Rogues, as well as Privateers, along with the DMC and Compagnie merchant vessels.
How to Obtain the Padewakang Ship Blueprint in Skull and Bones

Once I landed at Telok Penjarah, I went straight to the Opium Den headquarters of the Helm. Since you get other blueprints from the Black Market, I thought the Padewakang might be the same. I was incorrect.
To get the Padewakang blueprint, you must speak with the Shipwright. Purchase it for 5,280 Silver once you reach Brigand. The vessel requires many components found in the region, so you may have to go gathering before you can build it.
How to Build the Padewakang in Skull and Bones
The Padewakang is a medium, ship level 5 vessel. It’s easily one of the best mid game ships before you can build the more advanced crafts thanks to the Detonate Perk.
- Detonate: Explosive hits have a 70% chance (100% if the target ship is Ablaze) of triggering an explosion, which deals 1000 damage within a 125m blast radius.
- Increases damage to structures by 20%.
- Increases weapon damage radius by 15%
To craft it, pay 2,880 silver and supply the following materials:
- x18 Ironwood Plank
- x15 Steel Ingot
- x15 Fine Ramie
- x4 Shellac
- x4 Crude Saltpeter
That’s how to get to Telok Penjarah and get the Padewakang ship blueprint in Skull and Bones. For more ways to obtain blueprints, a list of all ships in the game, or how to get specific currencies, check out our guide vault.
Published: Feb 16, 2024 09:53 am