A Stony Shores and Bamboo Jungle island in Minecraft with a Jungle Temple and a Lush Cave
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Top 30 Best Survival Island Seeds in Minecraft

Tired of exploring and building for hours upon hours? Try these top Minecraft survival island seeds and test your skills!

It’s no secret that surviving on a Minecraft island is a tough challenge because of their massive shortages of materials. However, our list of the top 30 best MC survival island seeds will provide you only with the richest and most fun islands to explore.

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Top 30 Best Survival Island Seeds in Minecraft

Large island with small Cherry Grove

A large Minecraft island with a Plains Village and Plains, Forest, and Cherry Grove biomes
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You’ll enter this world in a Forest biome next to the ocean, which makes crafting a boat and sailing to this island a breeze. The island is home to various biomes including Beaches, Plains, a Cherry Grove, a Forest, and Stony Shores. Bedrock players will find a Plains Village next to the Cherry Grove. Instead of the village, Java players will find a shipwreck by Spawn and an underwater ruined Nether portal by the island.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Large island: -835, -208Large island: -835, -208
Shipwreck: -122, 111Plains Village: -790, -438
Ruined Nether portal: -354, -524Ruined Nether portal: -975, -575

Trail Ruin isles

A set of four Taiga and Birch Forest islands with a Trail Ruins structure in Minecraft
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This world begins on Taiga and Birch Forest islands in a Lukewarm Ocean. A Trail Ruins structure can be found on the northern island with the largest Birch Forest. The ocean around the island contains a few Cold Ocean Ruins and several shipwrecks. If you’re looking for Sniffer Eggs, you can sail a few hundred blocks to the west to reach a few Warm Ocean Ruins.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Shipwreck 1: -188, 141Shipwreck: 236, -172
Shipwreck 2: 0, 305Small Cold Ocean Ruin: 50, -285
Trail Ruins: -207, -429Trail Ruins: -206, -429

Small Ocean’s islands

Two small Minecraft islands in a small Lukewarm Ocean with a Coral Reef
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If you don’t want to fully commit to island living, check out this Minecraft 1.21 seed. It spawns you next to a small Lukewarm Ocean holding two small islands and a Coral Reef. Due to the small size of the ocean, you can easily swap back and forth between living on the islands and exploring the mainland. It’ll also give you access to different wolf and animal variants because of the many biomes in the area.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Plains island: 156, 206Plains Island: 156, 206
Desert Island: 222, 293Desert Island: 222, 293
Coral Reef: 320, 284Coral Reef: 320, 284
Trial Chambers: 215, -29, 71Trial Chambers: 215, -29, 71

Monumental Mushroom Islands

A Minecraft seed with multiple Mushroom Islands and Ocean Monuments
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The humble Mushroom Island is one of the safest biomes to live on. In the ocean near Spawn, you’ll find four larger Mushroom Islands and several tiny ones. Having several of these islands available close by allows you to pick and choose where you’d like to settle down. However, the abundance of Mushroom Islands doesn’t mean this ocean is completely safe! It is actually filled with over a dozen Ocean Monuments each with their own set of Guardians and Elder Guardians. To make it even more special, Java players will find a Woodland Mansion on a small island northwest of the first Mushroom Island.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Mushroom Island 1: 462, -497Mushroom Island 1: 462, -497
Mushroom Island 2: 24, -1,048Mushroom Island 2: 24, -1,048
Ocean Monument 1: 269, -817Ocean Monument 1: 648, -376
Ocean Monument 2: 128, -1,267Ocean Monument 2: 264, -952

Coral Reef islands

A set of Desert and Savanna islands in a Minecraft Coral Reef
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This cluster of islands has formed in the middle of a Coral Reef. You’ll spawn on one of the Desert islands in the cluster, so there’s no need to travel far. Luckily, the Savanna island to the west serves as a renewable source of wood. There is plenty of buried treasure to be found, plus lots of structures hidden in the Reef itself.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Coral Reef islands: SpawnCoral Reef islands: Spawn
Buried Treasure: 393, 63, -311Buried Treasure 1: 392, 61, -312
Ruined Nether Portal: 221, -475Buried Treasure 2: 392, 65, -376
Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster: 112, -536Shipwreck: 404, -462

Large rounded plains island

A large Minecraft island with two shipwrecks and a Plains Village
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Islands as large as this one are far and few between in Minecraft. While it is technically divided into five sections by a river, the closeness of the fragments and their shared biomes make it equal to a single island. All players will find two shipwrecks, a Plains Village, and a ruined Nether portal scattered around this area.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Large rounded plains island: SpawnLarge rounded plains island: Spawn
Shipwreck 1: 500, 127Plains Village: 200, 273
Shipwreck 2: 509, 395Ruined Nether portal: 307, 363
Plains Village: 203, 277Shipwreck 1: 508, 394
Ruined Nether portal: 312, 365Shipwreck 2: 500, 129

Beachside Pillager Outpost

A Minecraft Beach and Savanna island with a shipwreck and a Pillager Outpost
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You’ll need to sail into the center of the ocean to find this small island. It’s western half is home to a beached shipwreck while it’s eastern portion holds a Pillager Outpost. If you look around the island, you’ll find seven buried treasure chests hidden in the sand.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Beach island: 17, 543Beach island: 17, 543
Shipwreck: 17, 558Shipwreck: 42, 519
Buried Treasure: 25, 59, 537Pillager Outpost: 135, 537

Tropical island mounds

A set of tall Minecraft islands with a Lush Cave
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Tall islands fill this Minecraft Ocean. This world begins on a set of islands made up of Stony Shore and Jungle biomes. If you look to the west, you’ll see a tall Desert and Wooded Badlands island. At its base is a large Lush Cave that would serve as the perfect location for a base.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Jungle island mounds: SpawnJungle island mounds: Spawn
Badlands island: -315, -323Badlands island: -315, -323
Lush Cave: -400, 70, -235Lush Cave: -400, 70, -235

Desert Village island

A small Minecraft Desert Village in the middle of the ocean
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A Desert Village floats freely in the ocean east of Spawn in this world. To the south of this island, you’ll come across a cluster of Warm Ocean Ruins. Bedrock players will instead find an Ocean Monument and a shipwreck near the mainland Savanna.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Desert Village island: -739, 157Ocean Monument: -281, 216
Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster: -812, 344Shipwreck: -285, 108

Trail Ruins island

A small Jungle island with a set of Trail Ruins in Minecraft
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Travel northwest of the Desert to find this Jungle island. If you search beyond the trees, you’ll find a set of Trail Ruins hidden in its center. You’ll also find two shipwrecks in the waters surrounding the island. If Bedrock players make their home on the Jungle island, they’ll have easy access to an Ocean Monument to the west.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Jungle island: -70, -270Jungle island: -70, -270
Trail Ruins: 13, -290Trail Ruins: 13, -290

Beginner’s Bedrock island

A Minecraft island with a Plains Village and a ruined Nether portal
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Beginners to Minecraft survival will enjoy this island. All players will find a Plains Village and a ruined Nether portal on it. The village will provide everything you need for survival, from beds to food and other resources. Additionally, the ruined Nether portal can be used to make an easy path to the Nether without having to go underground.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Plains Village: 320, 912Plains Village: 204, 729
Ruined Nether portal: 343, 801Ruined Nether portal: 274, 772

Two island villages

A set of two Minecraft islands with villages
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Spawn on a set of two Minecraft islands with villages in this world. The northern island is home to a Taiga with a Taiga Village, while the southern island holds a Plains Village. Explore the area beneath the Plains Village to find a hidden Trial Chamber.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Shipwreck 1: -249, -193Taiga Village: 212, -348
Shipwreck 2: -139, 280Plains Village: -389, 69
Trial Chamber: -361, -14, 39Trial Chamber: -361, -14, 39

Large Plains island with Plains Village

A large Plains island with a Plains Village in Minecraft
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This massive Plains island is a short swim east from the peninsula you spawn on. It looks barren initially, but you’ll find both a Plains Village and a Trial Chamber on the lower right portion of the island. Scouting around the ocean surrounding the island will also lead you to an Ocean Monument, some Cold Ocean Ruins, and a few shipwrecks. Make the most of all of these structures to gather enough riches to form your own empire.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Large Plains island: -312, -102Large Plains island: -312, -102
Trial Chamber: 23, -25, 23Trial Chamber: 23, -25, 23
Plains Village: 42, 38Shipwreck: -344, 24

Forest island near frozen village

A Forest island in Minecraft next to a Snowy Village on a Frozen Ocean biome
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Cross the ocean west of Spawn to find a Forest and Beach island next to a Frozen Ocean. If you travel to the Frozen ocean, you’ll discover a Snowy Village hiding between the ocean’s icebergs. You’ll also come across a shipwreck with plenty of good loot. Additionally, players who want to experience the best of 1.21 will find a Trial Chamber beneath the Frozen Ocean.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Forest island: 272, -78Forest island: 272, -78
Snowy Village: 33, 24Buried Treasure: 392, 71, 72
Shipwreck: -118, 78Large Cold Ocean Ruin Cluster: 7, 136

Desert island with Coral Reef

A Desert Minecraft island with a Desert Village and a Coral Reef
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When you want to survive on an island in Minecraft, there’s nothing better than spawning directly on top of one. This island has a Desert Village and a small patch of Forest, so you won’t need to travel far for wood. Those not satisfied with living just on a Desert will also have access to a Jungle in the northwest, a Mushroom Island to the southwest, and a large Badlands biome to the ease.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Trial Chamber: 25, -24, 121Trial Chamber: 25, -24, 121
Desert Village: 50, 26Shipwreck: 68, -74
Shipwreck: -140, 107Underwater ruined Nether portal: 178, 24, 107

Turtle Beach island

A Minecraft island with a long turtle beach and a Plains Village
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If you’re looking to live a cozy island life while raising turtles, this seed is perfect for you. You’ll spawn on the mainland next to a Beach island that spawns tons of turtles. A village on one side of the island provides protection and easy resources to make surviving a breeze. Since it’s an isolated island, there’s no danger of hostile mobs, making it the safest farm in the game.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Turtle Beach island: -62, -74Turtle Beach island: -62, -74
Plains Village: -5, 28Large Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster: 40, 72
Small Warm Ocean Ruin: 147, -3Buried Treasure: 8, 60, 8

Multi-biome island with a Plains Village

A Minecraft island with Windswept Savanna, Plains, Forest, and Swamp biomes
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Spawn on a survival island with a wide variety of biomes, including Windswept Savanna, Swamp, Forest, and Plains. The Plains portion of the island is home to a Plains Village. Other than the village, you won’t find a lot of structures on or around the island. The closest structure you have a chance of finding is a mineshaft beneath the Forest biome on the island.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Multi-biome island: SpawnMulti-biome island: Spawn
Plains Village: 7, 21Underwater ruined Nether portal: -320, 127

Shipwreck home on Plains Village island

A small Minecraft island with a Plains Village and a shipwreck
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When you look at this village for the first time, it looks like any other Plains Village. However, one of the homes in this village is actually an exposed shipwreck. If you’re feeling creative, take advantage of this combination of structures to create a base in the shipwreck. Those who don’t want to live in a ship should still visit it to loot its chest.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Plains island: -71, -41Plains island: -71, -41
Plains Village: 24, 9Buried Treasure: -168, 49, 8
Shipwreck: 83, 67Plains Village: -411, -200

Plains Beach island

A small Beach island with a Minecraft Plains Village
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A small Beach island with a Plains Village is the star of this seed. The left half of the island is home to a lava pool, making it much easier for you to make a Nether portal. In addition to this island, Java players will have a buried shipwreck near Spawn. In contrast, Bedrock players will have a chest of buried treasure and a Plains Village on the mainland.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Shipwreck: 173, -81Beach island: 79, 35
Beach island: 79, 35Buried Treasure: 264, 58, 72
Plains Village: 2, 7Plains Village: 316, 133

Plains Village stranded in the Ocean

A Minecraft Plains Village in the middle of an ocean
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This island is unique because it is actually just a single Plains Village floating in the center of an ocean. There are two Ocean Monuments near this island, one to the southeast and one to the southwest. If you explore the area beneath the southeast Ocean Monument, you’ll have a chance to drop into a Trial Chamber.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Stranded Plains Village: 3, 42Buried Treasure 1: -184, 55, -632
Ocean Monument 1: 81, 258Buried Treasure 2: -120, 56, -632
Ocean Monument 2: -240, 192Ocean Monument: 184, -329

Small Blacksmith island

A small Minecraft island with a Blacksmith and a shipwreck
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If you’re not interested in hard-mode survival, here’s a seed with an island village that has a blacksmith. If the village doesn’t provide enough resources, visit two shipwrecks around the island for even more. There is an Ocean Monument a short sail west of the island if you feel like taking on a challenge. You’ll also find multiple Warm Ocean Ruins around the island, so getting a Sniffer Egg is highly likely.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Small Blacksmith island: 140, 103Small island: 140, 103
Plains Village: 83, 35Buried Treasure: 136, 46, 136
Shipwreck: 148, 130Small Warm Ocean Ruin: 67, 172

Plains Village island

A Minecraft Plains island with a Plains Village
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Spawn is set on the mainland east of this Plains island. Java players who travel to the island will find a Plains Village and a cluster of Cold Ocean Ruins. You’ll also have easy access to a Savanna Village next to Spawn. In contrast, Bedrock players will need to dig up buried treasure for extra resources.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Plains Village island: -16, 169Plains island: -16, 169
Plains Village: 33, -9Buried Treasure 1: -376, 59, 264
Cold Ocean Ruin Cluster: 184, 153Buried Treasure 2: -312, 43, 200

Mansion island

A Minecraft island with a Woodland Mansion and a Taiga Village
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If you’ve always wanted to live in a Mansion on an island, this seed is for you! Once you defeat all of the monsters inhabiting the Mansion, you can take it over and turn it into your base. The west half of the island is home to a Taiga Village while a shipwreck and a ruined Nether portal can be found in the ocean west of the village.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Woodland Mansion island: 21, 83Dark Forest island: 21, 83
Woodland Mansion: 90, 34Buried Treasure 1: 24, 60, 88
Taiga Village: 113, 150Buried Treasure 2: 72, 61, 8
Shipwreck: 26, 303Buried Treasure 3: 152, 48, -56

Stony Jungle atoll

A Minecraft Jungle island atoll with a ruined portal and a Jungle Temple
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  • Seed: 7850875
  • Spawn: 3, -10
  • Biomes: Various

In this island seed, you’ll spawn on a large atoll covered with jungle trees and surrounded by Stony Peaks. You’ll find a ruined portal floating on the water south of the island. Additionally, look at the cliffs around the ruined portal to discover a Jungle Temple hanging off the side of the island. To the southwest is a tall Wooded Badlands island. While you won’t need it for wood, it does have an abandoned mineshaft filled with riches.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Stony Jungle atoll: SpawnStony Jungle atoll: Spawn
Jungle Temple: 120, 148Buried Treasure 1: 88, 54, 88
Ruined Nether portal: 147, 57Buried Treasure 2: 200, 46, 72
Shipwreck: 163, 173Buried Treasure 3: 200, 75, 8

Floating Plains Village

A small Minecraft island made up of a Plains Village
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  • Seed: 24434696
  • Spawn: 1, -9
  • Biomes: Plains

In this world, you’ll spawn on a Plains biome near the ocean. Walk to the west to come across a small island made up of a single Plains Village. To the right of the island is an Ocean Monument, so be careful when sailing around or you’ll wind up being attacked by Guardians. Those looking for a safer home can head south across the ocean until they reach a tiny Mushroom Island.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Floating Plains Village: 207, 30Plains Village: -184, -264
Ocean Monument: 270, 95Buried Treasure: 136, 60, -56

Hollow Dark Forest island

A tall Dark Forest island above a Lush Cave in Minecraft
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Hollow islands are some of the best for setting up a well-protected base. This survival island has an exposed Lush Cave beneath it, which is so large that you could fit an entire settlement in it. The top is covered with thick forest, giving you plenty of materials to build with.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Hollow Dark Forest island: -58, -57Hollow Dark Forest island: -58, -57
Lush Cave: 20, 68, -75Lush Cave: 20, 68, -75
Shipwreck: -76, -70Large Cold Ocean Ruin Cluster: -216, 8

Complete survival island

A Minecraft island with a Plains Village and a Pillager Outpost
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Starting on a survival island will always be a challenge in Minecraft. However, this seed spices things up by having both a Plains Village and a Pillager Outpost on the island at Spawn. Use the village and a hidden mineshaft beneath the island to gather iron and diamonds, then craft tools to deal with the pesky Pillagers. If they aren’t enough of a challenge, sail west of the island to take on the Guardians of an Ocean Monument.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Survival Island: SpawnSurvival Island: Spawn
Pillager Outpost: -7, 167Buried Treasure 1: 24, 59, 72
Plains Village: 20, 11Buried Treasure 2: 72, 63, 72

Tall Jungle island

A tall Minecraft island near an Ocean Monument
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This island will take a bit of traveling, but it’s unique height and the rare structures around it are worth it. The part of the ocean southeast of the island is home to a variety of structures including an Ocean Monument and several Warm Ocean Ruins. Those planning on staying on the island can dig beneath it to find an Ancient City. It’s filled with highly valuable items that will help you deck out your island in style.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Tall Jungle Island: -24, -38Tall Jungle Island: -24, -38
Ancient City: 14, -43, 120Ancient City: 33, -42, 41
Ocean Monument: 95, 319Shipwreck: -380, 152

Lush Bamboo Jungle island

A Stony Shores and Bamboo Jungle island in Minecraft with a Jungle Temple and a Lush Cave
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  • Seed: 5415456
  • Spawn: 467, 545
  • Biomes: Jungle, Stony Peaks

There’s more than meets the eye on this Bamboo Jungle island. When you first approach it, you’ll see just a slim ravine and a small Warm Ocean Ruin on its side. However, circling around the island reveals that it is home to a giant Lush Cave! What’s more, there’s actually a Jungle Temple on the smaller island to the right. It’s the perfect location for a tropical Jungle island adventure.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Lush Bamboo Jungle island: 88, -21Lush Bamboo Jungle island: 88, -21
Lush Cave: 94, -53Lush Cave: 94, -53
Jungle Temple: 324, -136Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster: 408, 7
Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster: 65, -30Buried Treasure: 88, 91, -40

Woodland Mansion island with Taiga Village

A Woodland Mansion on an island next to a Taiga Village in Minecraft
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Here is a challenging seed that pits Taiga villagers against the monsters in a Woodland Mansion on an island by Spawn. If you want to take on the Mansion, swing by the Taiga Village and a nearby shipwreck to gather materials for weapons and armor. The items you find will help you deal with the Mansion’s hostile inhabitants so you can enjoy your stay on this uncommon set of islands.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Dark Forest island: 187, 86Dark Forest island: 187, 86
Woodland Mansion: 169, 133Buried Treasure 1: 136, 62, 200
Taiga Village: 138, -153Buried Treasure 2: 72, 59, 200
Shipwreck: 116, 238Buried Treasure 3: 8, 60, 200

That’s it for our list of the best 30 Minecraft survival island seeds. Stay tuned for more MC tips and tricks articles here at GameSkinny, like our 30 Best Minecraft Cherry Blossom Seeds for 1.20.4.

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