A Cherry Grove village above a cave in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

30 Best Minecraft Cherry Blossom Seeds for 1.20.4

Looking for some beautiful cherry blossoms? Check out our Cherry Grove seed list for Minecraft 1.20.4.

Minecraft is filled with biomes to explore, one of the most recent being the Cherry Grove. If you’re looking for the most beautiful biome for your next world, we’ve compiled this list of the 30 best Minecraft cherry blossom seeds for 1.20.4 to help you out.

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The Top 30 Best Minecraft Cherry Blossom Seeds to Play on Patch 1.20.4

Village Between Cherry Groves

A Minecraft Plains Village between two separated Cherry Grove biomes
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In this world, a Plains Village serves as a bridge between two Cherry Grove biomes. The Cherry Grove to the left is wrapped around a snowy mountain, while the rightmost Cherry Grove is mainly cherry trees with a little snow. Walk through the right Cherry Grove to find another Plains Village between it and a third cherry biome.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove 1: -384, 219Cherry Grove 1: -384, 219
Cherry Grove 2: -368, 311Cherry Grove 2: -368, 311
Plains Village: 91, 109Plains Village 1: -396, 262
Ancient City: -248, -42, 592Plains Village 2: -292, 595

Icy Cherry Grove mountain

A Minecraft Snowy Slopes mountain surrounded by a Cherry Grove with two Plains Villages
Screenshot by Gameskinny

A large Cherry Grove envelops this Snowy Slopes mountain. The harsh whiteness of the mountain’s snow makes the pink leaves of the cherry trees look fresh and bright, making it the perfect place to start any Minecraft world. Bedrock players will find two Plains Villages and a ruined Nether portal that can immediately be completed on this mountain. In contrast, Java players must look to surrounding biomes for Overworld structures.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -350, 54Cherry Grove: -350, 54
Plains Village: 277, -148Plains Village 1: -292, 319
Ruined Nether portal: -453, -333Ruined Nether portal: -547, 31
Ancient City: -336, -42, 87Plains Village 2: -338, -309

Ancient City Beneath Snowy Cherry Grove

A small Snowy Slopes hill surrounded by a Cherry Grove in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

The Cherry Grove biome in this world forms a ring around a small Snowy Slopes hill. While it doesn’t look like much from the surface, it’s an entirely different story underground! Exploring the caverns beneath the mountain leads you to an Ancient City. If you look carefully, you’ll find a mineshaft in one of the city’s back corners.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 591, 57Cherry Grove: 591, 57
Ancient City: 528, -42, 55Plains Village: 264, 280
Mineshaft: 449, -41, -44Pillager Outpost: 392, 456

Cherry mining adventure

A giant cavern in a Minecraft Cherry Grove biome
Screenshot by Gameskinny

A Cherry Grove cavern makes up the heart of this seed. If you enjoy watching the pink petals fall as much as you like searching for diamonds, this is the seed to choose. The cavern has multiple entrances throughout the hill and will give you easy access to lower Y-levels. Since many of these entrances are large, they reduce the cave’s danger by allowing a lot of sunlight to enter it. This makes it easier to light the cave with torches before hostile mobs begin to spawn.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 134, -44Cherry Grove: 134, -44
Cherry cave entrance: 214, -115Cherry cave entrance: 214, -115

Cherry Dripstone city

A small Cherry Grove hill in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Beneath this unassuming Cherry Grove hill is a massive Ancient City in a Dripstone Cave! Explore the area around the pink grove to find a ruined Nether portal. If you want to fully gear up in Netherite before the Ancient City, I highly recommend focusing on rebuilding the portal and exploring the Nether through it. Afterward, dig deep into the mountain until you land in the Ancient City.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -175, 66Cherry Grove: -175, 66
Ruined Nether portal: -385, 117Plains Village: 125, 182
Dripstone Ancient City: -312, -42, 128Ancient City: -184, -42, 128

Cherry blossom mountain border

A Cherry Grove biome bordering a Snowy Slopes hill in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

These cherry trees border the snowy mountain this world begins on. While it’s a truly beautiful sight, you shouldn’t underestimate it. It’s actually one of the more dangerous seeds on our list! While attempting to get off of the snowy mountain, you’ll constantly be falling through powdered snow. Only the most resourceful players will be able to travel safely to the pink biome despite it being a short walk away.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -16, 20Cherry Grove: -16, 20
Ancient City: 136, -42, 112Ancient City: 40, -42, -192

Long Cherry Grove between Snowy Mountains

A long Cherry Grove in Minecraft between two mountains
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Spawn right in the center of a double village that stands in a forest of cherry blossom trees. The village and its pink biome are in the valley between two immense, snow-covered mountains. In the two villages combined, you’ll find over 30 buildings full of NPCs and merchants! You’ll also have access to a few Ancient Cities hidden beneath the larger mountain.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -11, 1Cherry Grove: -11, 1
Plains Village 1: 2, 6Plains Village with ruined portal: -284, 157
Plains Village 2: 7, -149Ancient City: -288, -45, 86

Hidden Cherry Grove village

A Plains Village hidden in a Minecraft Cherry Grove biome
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Safety is the primary focus of this Plains Village. It was built in a crater in a Cherry Grove biome, successfully concealing it from the outside world. It’s the perfect place to settle down for those who love cherry blossoms and want to live a relaxing life. The best part of the village is the Blacksmith, which will help you easily get strong weapons and armor. Descend into the Ancient City beneath the village if you feel like life has gotten a little too comfortable.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -1, -1Cherry Grove: -1, -1
Hidden Cherry Grove village: 52, -5Trail Ruins: -288, 94
Ancient City: 167, -42, -1Ancient City: 160, -42, 135

Cherry Grove by Snowy Mountain

A Minecraft Cherry Grove next to a Snowy Mountain with a Jungle Temple
Screenshot by Gameskinny

I spawned at the foot of a snowy mountain near a Cherry Grove village. When I decided to take a look behind the mountain, I discovered a small patch of Jungle with a Jungle Temple. This is a truly lucky find because Jungle Temples are rare and tend to contain a couple of chests full of valuable items. Be sure to check it out as soon as you can!

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -7, -11Cherry Grove: -7, -11
Plains Village: 4, 6Ancient City: -200, -42, 32
Jungle Temple: -283, 248Jungle Temple: -507, 519

Lucky cherry spawn

A Cherry Grove with a ruined Nether portal, a Pillager Outpost, and two Plains Villages in Minecraft
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Players seeking more of a challenge will enjoy this Cherry Grove. It comes with two Plains Villages and a Pillager Outpost. When you’re done smashing the Pillagers, you can restore a ruined portal nearby. It will take you straight to a Bastion and its treasure room.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 11, 13Cherry Grove: 11, 13
Plains Village 1: 59, 89Ruined Nether portal: -471, 318
Plains Village 2: -138, 121Plains Village: 153, 790
Pillager Outpost: 23, 315Ancient City 1: -280, -42, 114
Ruined Nether portal: 121, 323Ancient City 2: -629, -44, 48

Cherry ring by Ice Spikes

A ring of Cherry Grove biome next to an Ice Spikes biome in Minecraft
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Sometimes it gets cold in Minecraft, and that’s when you get to see rare ice spikes appearing on the surface. Fortunately, there’s an igloo with a basement on the side of the Ice Spikes hill. However, I must warn you that since this igloo is located on the mountain, it will take a while to both reach and leave.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 2, 7Cherry Grove: 2, 7
Ice Spikes: 214, 68Ice Spikes: 214, 68
Plains Village: -1, 9Plains Village 1: 205, -268
Igloo with basement: 261, 181Plains Village 2: -347, 149

Cherry Grove valley

A valley with two Plains Villages in a Minecraft Cherry Grove biome
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Spawn in a small valley surrounded by cherry blossom trees on one side and a regular forest on the other. Inside of the valley is two villages separated by a small ravine. This ravine grants access to not only lots of emerald ore, but two Ancient Cities. It also grants access to two separate Trial Chambers for players in Minecraft 1.21.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 23, 29Cherry Grove: 23, 29
Plains Village 1: -5, 8Ruined Nether portal: 286, -270
Plains Village 2: 77, -158Buried Trail Ruins: 208, 78, -464
Ancient City 1: 377, -45, 160Ancient City: 448, -42, 23
Ancient City 2: 384, -45, -199Pillager Outpost: -841, 603

Multi-village cherries

A Minecraft Cherry Grove surrounded by three Plains Villages
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Having a double village at spawn is great, but how about three villages? In this seed, the Cherry Grove at Spawn is surrounded by villages. One of them has a Blacksmith, making the start of this world much easier. If you travel to the west, you’ll reach the ocean shore. Moving eastward instead will lead you to a massive Grove biome with an igloo. Be sure to check out its basement room for some cool loot.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 6, 9Cherry Grove: 6, 9
Plains Village 1: 6, 9Plains Village: -318, 54
Plains Village 2: -155, 75Ruined Nether portal: -457, 89
Plains Village 3: 154, -224Ruined Nether portal 2: 274, 231
Igloo with basement: 547, 148Pillager Outpost: 523, 251

Winter and Spring

A Cherry Grove biome with a Plains Village next to an Ice Spikes biome in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Here’s one of the more unusual Cherry Grove seeds in Minecraft. You spawn next to a Plains Village in a Cherry Grove bordering an Ice Spikes biome. By traveling across the snow, you’ll find an Igloo with a basement on a hill. For 1.21 players, the basement will directly connect to a Trial Chamber.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 1, 1Cherry Grove: 1, 1
Ice Spikes biome: -55, 34Ice Spikes biome: -55, 34
Blacksmith Village: -3, 9Plains Village: 160, -313
Igloo with basement: -235, 103Ruined Nether portal: -371, 268

Cherry blossoms with many biomes

A Minecraft Cherry Grove with two Plains Villages, a ruined portal, a Jungle, and a Forest biome
Screenshot by Gameskinny

If you enjoy biome variety, check out this seed for a Cherry Grove near Jungle, Forest, and Plains biomes. There is one Plains Village in the grove and a second in the Plains beyond the Forest. You’ll also find a ruined Nether Portal next to the second village, plus a Jungle Temple a short walk away. It’s a truly fantastic seed with plenty of opportunities for survival and adventure.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 10, 22Cherry Grove: 10, 22
Plains Village 1: 11, 4Plains Village: 148, -321
Plains Village 2: 138, -330Pillager Outpost: 36, -489
Ruined Nether portal: 86, -409Jungle Temple: -267, -409
Jungle Temple: -153, -250Trail Ruins: -255, -465

Dangerous Cherry Grove

A Pillager Outpost and a Plains Village in a Minecraft Cherry Grove biome
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Typically, cherry forests are safe biomes. However, sometimes you will encounter troops of Pillagers or even an entire Pillager Outpost in one, as is the case with this seed. I urge you to build a fence or an entire wall to prevent pillagers from entering your village and hurting the villagers. Once you craft some weapons and armor, be sure to destroy and loot the outpost on the hill. Afterward, spend some time mining beneath the hill to the Ancient City hidden below.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -6, -6Cherry Grove: -6, -6
Plains Village: 63, 26Plains Village: 144, -224
Pillager Outpost: 266, 57Ancient City: 112, -42, 137
Ancient City: 7, -45, 160Ruined Nether portal: 280, 376

Small cherry mountains

Two small Cherry Grove mountains with two Minecraft Plains Villages
Screenshot by Gameskinny

You’ll spawn directly on a snowy mountain covered with cherry blossom trees in this seed. There are two Plains Villages around this part of the mountain, plus a third on the western end of the Cherry Grove. Players will also find a few Ancient Cities beneath several of the other mountains in the area. This is one of the best Cherry Grove starts you can get, especially since one of the villages comes with a Blacksmith.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry mountain: 8, -10Cherry mountain: 8, -10
Plains Village 1: 6, 31Ruined Nether portal: 229, 7
Plains Village 2: -138, -153Plains Village: -327, 137
Plains Village 3: -416, 89Ancient City 1: 439, -42, 127
Ancient City: -279, -42, -320Ancient City 2: -248, -42, -352

Cherry war

A Cherry Grove with a Plains Village and a Pillager Outpost in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Entering this Cherry Grove will lead you straight into a war between villagers and Pillagers. The village is located in a crater in the Cherry hill next to Spawn. You’ll need to act quickly as lava will begin flowing into the village, burning down buildings and potentially harming the villagers. On the far side of the hill is a Pillager Outpost. If you update your world to Minecraft 1.21, there will be a Trial Chambers structure beneath it.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -7, -5Cherry Grove: -7, -5
Plains Village: 31, 28Plains Village: 280, 90
Pillager Outpost: 312, 23Pillager Outpost: 280, 217

Cherry cliffs

A set of tall Minecraft cliffs with Cherry Grove biomes on top
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Sometimes cherry trees generate alongside rigid cliffs, as is the case in this seed. Fortunately, there are also two villages at spawn separated by a small river. If you go to the south, you’ll find a small lake with a shipwreck. I was hoping to find some buried treasure too, but to no avail. Still, you can get plenty of loot from the shipwreck alone!

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 4, 21Cherry Grove: 4, 21
Plains Village 1: 35, 46Plains Village: 328, 232
Plains Village 2: 7, -277Shipwreck: 149, 500
Shipwreck: 147, 459Buried Treasure: 216, 71, 456

Cherry Spikes

A Cherry Grove next to an Ice Spikes biome in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Imagine my surprise when I spawned in a Cherry Grove biome with a village, and a few moments later I stumbled upon a patch of Ice Spikes. Following this route led me to discover a Snowy Village on top of a frozen river and an igloo with a basement. If you decide to update this world to 1.21, you’ll find a Trial Chamber beneath that igloo.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -1, -5Cherry Grove: -1, -5
Ice Spikes biome: 12, -145Ice Spikes biome: 12, -145
Plains Village: 9, 20Plains Village: -267, 54
Snowy Village: -160, -400Igloo with basement: 189, -173
Igloo with basement: -255, -235Pillager Outpost: 393, -455

Cherry forest

A Cherry Grove biome with two Plains Villages in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Here, you’ll spawn in a cherry forest with two Plains Villages. A small lake by the forest has a buried chest filled with secret treasures, helping you get off to a good start. If you continue to explore around, you’ll also find a set of Trail Ruins. It’s a lucky set of structures that will make surviving much, much easier.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Forest: -5, -4Cherry Forest: -5, -4
Plains Village 1: 49, -24Plains Village: -343, -402
Plains Village 2: -138, -205Ruined Nether portal: -338, -458
Buried Treasure: 457, 51, 553Buried Treasure 1: 392, 65, -184
Trail Ruins: -732, 148Buried Treasure 2: 392, 67, -248

Pillager’s Cherry Grove

A Minecraft Cherry Grove biome with a Plains Village, an icy mountain, and a Pillager Outpost
Screenshot by Gameskinny

This Minecraft seed will spawn you in a Cherry Grove village on a frozen mountain. Climb up to the crater of the mountain to find a Pillager Outpost hidden in the snow. Additionally, there’s a secret igloo on the other side of the mountain that you’ll find if you look carefully. This igloo has a basement, which leads to a nice amount of gold. There’s also a huge ravine in the Cherry Grove that’s perfect for starting a new mine.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 24, 16Cherry Grove: 24, 16
Plains Village: -1, 8Ruined Nether portal: 74, 251
Pillager Outpost: 89, 243Ancient City: 120, -42, 128
Igloo with basement: 211, 214Plains Village: 328, 136

Nether trip in a Cherry Grove

A Plains Village with a ruined Nether portal in a Minecraft Cherry Grove
Screenshot by Gameskinny

If you’re interested in quickly beating the game, this seed will spawn you right next to a village with an exposed ruined portal. It’ll lead you straight to a Nether Fortress. To make things even better, the nearest stronghold with an End Portal is only about 2,000 blocks away. Creating a Nether highway will make that trip quick and easy.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 0, 0Cherry Grove: 0, 0
Plains Village with ruined portal: 27, 36Plains Village: 169, 152
End Portal: -1,849, 0, -8Ruined Nether portal: 353, 44

Oceanside Cherry Grove

A large Plains Village in a Cherry Grove next to the ocean in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

A Cherry Grove meets the sea in this gorgeous seed. As you enter this world, you’ll come face to face with a massive Plains Village. It’s a huge settlement with a farm and around 20 buildings. While many of them are in the Cherry Grove itself, a few have been generated on the river to the left of the biome. Swim a short distance into the ocean to find an Ocean Monument filled with treasure.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 33, 10Cherry Grove: 33, 10
Plains Village: 49, 30Plains Village: 133, 116
Ocean Monument: -288, 207Ocean Monument: -170, 7

Zombie cherry village

A Zombie Plains Village in a Minecraft Cherry Grove biome
Screenshot by Gameskinny

For those of you who crave a challenge, here’s a zombie village in a Cherry Grove at Spawn. The village has a Blacksmith while the ravine nearby contains an exposed mineshaft and a Dripstone Cave. However, don’t stop at exploring the Blacksmith! Zombie villages are famous for containing better loot than regular villages, so explore all of the available buildings.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 6, 32Cherry Grove: 6, 32
Zombie cherry village: 11, 27Plains Village 1: -350, -239
Mineshaft: -16, 40, 52Plains Village 2: 68, 660

Two villages by Cherry Grove

Two Plains Villages next to a Cherry Grove in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

A set of two villages near Spawn is always lucky in Minecraft. The first of these two villages stands on the side of the Cherry Grove hill you spawn in. You’ll find the second a short walk away floating on a nearby river.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 10, 23Cherry Grove: 10, 23
Plains Village 1: 9, 1Plains Village with ruined portal: -198, 155
Plains Village 2: 116, -116Pillager Outpost: 186, 583

Cherry crater village

Spawn is set in a large crater within a Cherry Grove biome in this seed. Cherry trees cover the cliffs around the crater, acting as a barrier against the outside world. It’s a beautiful sight with plenty of room for you to build a base near the village. You’ll also find the entrance to a deep Dripstone Cavern in the crater to the right of where you spawn.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -36, 40Cherry Grove: -36, 40
Dripstone cavern: 26, 110Dripstone cavern: 26, 110
Cherry crater village: 61, 85Buried ruined Nether portal: 85, 20, 26

Massive Cherry Grove

This is the largest Cherry Grove on the map. Just outside of the trees, there’s a Nether Portal that you can fix up. If that’s too scary for you and you need a place to settle, you can also find a village on the other side of the cove. I would make a bridge that connects the two for easy access.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Massive Cherry Grove: 49, 16Massive Cherry Grove: 49, 16
Savanna Village: 336, -400Ancient City: 210, -42, 56

Cavernous cherry village

If you want a unique Cherry Grove village to live in, look no further than this one. This village appears to have fallen in the middle of a ravine cutting through a Cherry Grove hill. It’s a perfect place to start a mine and gather resources while enjoying the splendor of cherry blossoms.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: -327, -463Cherry Grove: -327, -463
Cavernous cherry village: -355, -430Plains Village: -417, -340

Snowy mountain cherries

  • Seed: 7262676737000800325
  • Spawn: 2, -2
  • Biomes: Cherry Grove, Frozen Peaks, Plains, Snowy Slopes

I just love cherry blossom trees next to snow. This seed will spawn you near a Cherry Grove between two snowy mountains. You’ll find a village at the foot of one of the mountains that is perfect for making a home base. Additionally, there are plenty of caves and a vast ocean outside of the village to explore.

Important Java LocationsImportant Bedrock Locations
Cherry Grove: 59, 2Cherry Grove: 59, 2
Dripstone Cave: 204, -47Dripstone Cave: 204, -47
Plains Village: 154, 242Plains Village: 107, 340

These are the 30 best Minecraft Cherry Grove seeds for 1.20.4. If you’re looking for more seeds or tips, check out our dedicated Minecraft guides hub.

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