A Woodland Mansion with a tall Dark Forest island in the middle of a Minecraft ocean
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Top 25 Best Minecraft 1.20.1 Seeds

These top Minecraft 1.20.1 seeds are perfect for creating a new glitchless Realms server.

Just a few weeks after the release of the official Minecraft 1.20 update, Mojang released update 1.20.1 primarily to fix issues associated with Minecraft Realms. This list contains our selection of the top seeds for Minecraft 1.20.1 that cover all the new features of the Trails & Tails update.

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Best Minecraft 1.20.1 Seeds List

Frozen Ocean village

A Snowy Village with a shipwreck on top of a Frozen Ocean in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 7950313138916881607
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 71, 9
  • Biomes: Frozen Ocean, Snowy Plains, Stony Shores

A Snowy Village has decided to make their home on the ice of a Frozen Ocean in this world. Next to the village, you’ll find a partially exposed dark oak shipwreck. While the lower half of the ship contains two treasures chests, the compartments they’re in will be flooded. Dive carefully and make sure to place a torch on the ice above the ship to prevent the water from refreezing while you’re underwater.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Frozen Ocean village: -340, -239
Shipwreck: -288, -237
Small Cold Ocean Ruin: -229, -158

Windswept Survival island

A Windswept island with a Plains Village and a ruined Nether portal in Minecraft
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Here’s one of the most versatile seeds in Minecraft 1.20.1. You start on a survival island with several biomes and a Plains Village with a blacksmith. There’s a ruined Nether portal on the beach, plus several Cold Ocean Ruins and an Ocean Monument around the island.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Plains Village: 41, 13
Ruined Nether portal: 176, 39
Small Cold Ocean Ruin: 3, 162
Ocean Monument: -385, 288

Hillside Jungle ruins

A set of Trail Ruins on the side of a mountain next to a lava fall in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 4760526826838008219
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 29, 14
  • Biomes: Bamboo Jungle, Jungle, Wooded Badlands

This set of Trail Ruins clings to the side of a steep cliff, making it easily visible to anyone looking in the canyon. A small flooded cave cuts through the land beneath it. While this makes the ruins seem small, they actually continue beneath the cave’s floor. You’ll be able to excavate them easily if you drain the water from the cave.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Trail Ruins: 92, 30
Jungle Temple: 164, 133

Three Plains Villages at Spawn

Three Plains Villages spread across a river in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 6454089
  • Version: Java
  • Spawn: -22, 95
  • Biomes: Plains

Although the area at Spawn may look like one giant city, in reality, it’s actually three villages standing extremely close to each other. There are about 40 buildings in total, which could be easily multiplied and turned into a massive settlement. The first village will have a Blacksmith while the other two are mainly useful for farms and basic resources.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Plains Village 1: 9, 14
Plains Village 2: -129, 45
Plains Village 3: 35, -148

Four structure Taiga

A Minecraft Taiga with a Taiga Village, a ruined Nether portal, a Trail Ruins, and a Pillager Outpost
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Visiting this Taiga is an easy way to explore a lot of what Minecraft 1.20 has to offer! The village and Pillager Outpost will help you gather resources and experience, the ruined portal can be rebuilt to visit the Nether, and the Trail Ruins will help you learn how to excavate. This area isn’t far from the ocean, so you’ll have relatively easy access to Cold Ocean Ruins and a Mushroom Island as well.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Taiga Village: 343, 189
Ruined Nether portal: 334, 132
Trail Ruins: 320, 99
Pillager Outpost: 343, 42

Half Desert island

A Minecraft island made up of a Desert and a Jungle with a village and a Pillager Outpost
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This lush survival island is home to both a Jungle and a Desert. The Jungle side of the island has a chest of buried treasure while the Desert side has a village and a Pillager Outpost. What is really unique is the way that the Pillager Outpost is on a tiny adjacent island rather than being connected directly to the main isle. It demonstrates how unusually Minecraft can distribute structures, creating the opportunity for exciting gameplay scenarios.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Buried Treasure: 137, 61, -135
Desert Village: 111, 43
Pillager Outpost: 73, 200

Woodland Mansion by open Lush Caves

A Woodland Mansion by two giant Lush Caves in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 5258642544849163434
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: -31, 6
  • Biomes: Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Forest, Lush Cave

Woodland Mansions are home to plenty of treasures, although you’ll need to fight your way through a lot of mobs to get them. This Mansion has the fortune of being located next to two Lush Caves that are exposed to the surface. One cuts through the area beneath the Mansion while the other forms a crater in the Dark Forest a short distance away.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Woodland Mansion: 539, 674
Lush Cave 1: 520, 89, 728
Lush Cave 2: 452, 26, 830

Lake village in Cherry Grove

A Cherry Grove with a lake and a Plains Village in the center in Minecraft
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A lake has formed in the crater at the center of this Cherry Grove. The Plains Village in the same area has partially fallen into the lake, creating a unique town. If you want to explore more around the mountain, you can find a Zombified Plains Village and a second Plains Village on the outskirts of the Cherry Grove. You’ll also find an Ancient City beneath the grove’s southern part.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Plains Village: 10, 153
Ancient City: 31, -42, 537
Zombie Plains Village: 43, -149

Ancient City mountain range

A large Minecraft mountain range with Stony and Frozen Peaks biomes
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  • Seed: -7143005543384739759
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 0, 0
  • Biomes: Deep Dark, Frozen Peaks, Jagged Peaks

Ancient Cities are scattered all over this mountain range at Spawn. Three are in the area due south of Spawn, two are at the far southern end of the mountains, and one is slightly isolated from the rest in the southwest. While that final city will take longer to reach, it will have a guaranteed golden apple.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Ancient City 1: -240, -42, 165
Ancient City 2: 136, -42, 80
Ancient City 3: 400, -42, 120
Ancient City 4: 113, -42, 539
Ancient City 5: -192, -42, 872
Ancient City 6: -741, -45, 544

Towering Ocean Mansion

A Woodland Mansion with a tall Dark Forest island in the middle of a Minecraft ocean
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Spawning directly onto a Woodland Mansion is already a rare treat most players won’t discover naturally. This seed takes it up another notch by having the starting Mansion generate on a tiny Dark Forest island in the middle of the ocean. A few pieces of the island are below the Mansion, but the majority of it towers over a corner of the Mansion. You can take the opportunity to explore the Mansion immediately or climb the tall portion of the island to gather wood. Whichever you decide, you’ll have the opportunity to play Minecraft in an entirely different way than you usually would.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Woodland Mansion: 26, -22

Huge survival island

A giant Minecraft survival island with two Plains Villages and a large Nether portal
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Using a survival island seed is a classic way of playing Minecraft if you get tired of the usual random seeds and exploration. This survival island is home to two Plains Village, one of which has a giant ruined Nether portal. The ocean around the island has a few shipwrecks, an Ocean Monument, and both Warm and Cold Ocean Ruins.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Plains Village 1: 132, -473
Plains Village 2: 6, -700

Amethyst Dungeon

A Minecraft Zombie Dungeon inside of an amethyst geode
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  • Seed: 769309284
  • Version: Java
  • Spawn: -10, -30
  • Biomes: Swamp, Forest, Plains

A strange thing happens when dungeons overlap with amethyst geodes in Minecraft. The dungeon simply disappears, and the amethyst geode serves as the room for the treasure chest and mob spawner. This dungeon is located in an amethyst geode beneath the ground at Spawn.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Amethyst Dungeon: 32, -31, -6
Woodland Mansion: -440, 712

Jungle Temple Ruins

A set of Trail Ruins in front of a Jungle Temple with a ruined Nether portal in Minecraft
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This Jungle is filled with a variety of structures to get your 1.20.1 world off to the right start. First, you’ll have access to a Jungle Temple holding not one, but two treasure chests. After that, you can excavate a set of Trail Ruins by the river in front of the Temple. Use the loot from those two structures to rebuild the nearby Nether portal and set off on a Nether adventure.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Trail Ruins: -350, 290
Jungle Temple: -362, 296
Ruined Nether portal: -391, 254

Small Savanna survival island

A small Savanna island with a Savanna Village
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A Savanna island village is surrounded by a Coral Reef at spawn! This is super lucky, especially since the area around the island is just as exciting. If you travel up north, you’ll reach the mainland. If you go south, you’ll arrive at a huge Mushroom Island. On your way there, you’ll be able to locate an Ocean Monument and several small Warm Ocean Ruins.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Savanna Village: 654, -8
Small Warm Ocean Ruin: 786, 3
Mushroom Island: -75, 423

Mangrove villages

A giant Mangrove Swamp with three different villages in Minecraft
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  • Seed: -5282413012465192192
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 29, -13
  • Biomes: Desert, Mangrove Swamp, Savanna

Travel northwest to find this giant Mangrove Swamp. You’ll find a Savanna Village in the southeast corner of the swamp, plus a second one on its southern edge. The center of the swamp contains a Desert Village and a ruined Nether portal. All of these structures combined will give you enough resources to build and defend a great Mangrove Swamp base.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Savanna Village 1: -236, -259
Savanna Village 2: -795, 54
Desert Village: -794, -382
Ruined Nether portal: -454, -576

Snowy Village with giant Nether portal

A Minecraft Snowy Village with a giant ruined Nether portal in its center
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Sometimes, you want your island to be lush and warm. Other times, you want it to be freezing cold. In this seed, be prepared to spawn on a frozen island amidst a mass of icebergs that is also home to a Snowy Village. Don’t worry as the island has enough wood for both you and the villagers. You’ll also be given access to a giant Nether portal standing in the middle of the village.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Snowy Village: -20, 0
Ruined Nether portal: 5, 7
Small Cold Ocean Ruin: 35, 98

Stony island trio

A set of three Stony Shore islands in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 3749504990678813
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 330, -77
  • Biomes: Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Forest, Stony Shore

A trio of Stony Shores islands makes up the start of this world. You’ll spawn on the central island with a stony island to your left and a tall forested island on your right. The ocean around you contains a mix of Warm Ocean and Cold Ocean biomes, so you’ll have access to both kinds of Ocean Ruins. If you mine the Stony Shores biomes for ores and stone, you may come across a few chests of buried treasure as well.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Cold Ocean Ruin Cluster: 331, -235
Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster: 157, -205
Shipwreck: 143, -265

Desert ravine’s temple

A Minecraft Desert Temple inside of a ravine
Screenshot by Gameskinny
  • Seed: 111111111111
  • Version: Java
  • Spawn: -9, 5
  • Biomes: Desert

If you get quickly tired of the cold biomes, check out this Desert seed. You’ll spawn in an area brimming with ravines. One of them hides the unusual site of a fully buried Desert Temple. The temple’s entrance is exposed, so you can get inside pretty easily.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Desert Temple: 36, 58

Woodland Mansion above Lush Mineshaft

A Minecraft Woodland Mansion above a Lush Cave with a mineshaft
Screenshot by Gameskinny

After reaching the front door of this Woodland Mansion, walk down the steps to discover the entrance to a cave. You’ll see a Lush Cave biome, but may not see the mineshaft initially as flowing lava will burn down the first part of it. However, by dropping into the cave you’ll find the rest of the mineshaft pressed into one of the cavern’s walls.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Woodland Mansion: -652, 194
Lush Cave entrance: -653, 150
Mineshaft: -670, 27, 153

Mountain lake village

A Taiga Village inside of a lake on a Minecraft mountain
Screenshot by Gameskinny

Living on the surface can be a chore, but surviving in the depths can be really fun. That’s why you should try this Minecraft seed that spawns you right next to a village that’s sitting on the bottom of a giant crater filled with water. The caves in the area will give you access to an Ancient City and plenty of precious ores.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Taiga Village: 90, 84
Ancient City: 32, -44, 149

Trail Ruins by Warm Ocean

A set of Trail Ruins by a Minecraft Warm Ocean
Screenshot by Gameskinny
  • Seed: 4187336120918492435
  • Version: Bedrock
  • Spawn: 201, -370
  • Biomes: Jungle, Mushroom Fields, Warm Ocean

If you’re looking forward to the archaeology part of Minecraft 1.20.1, you’ll want to try out this seed. You’ll spawn in a Jungle biome in front of a set of Trail Ruins. In front of you is a Warm Ocean filled with Warm Ocean Ruins and a Mushroom Island. Excavating the suspicious sand in these Warm Ocean Ruins will allow you to gather their special loot, including rare Sniffer Eggs.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Trail Ruins: 207, -386
Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster 1: -289, 3
Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster 2: -456, 104

Cherry crater village

A Minecraft Plains Village in the center of a Cherry Grove mountain
Screenshot by Gameskinny

If you’re looking for a village with beautiful scenery, you’ll find no better than the Plains Village in this seed. This village is in the middle of a crater surrounded by a giant Cherry Grove. There are plenty of resources on the sides of the cliff, so you’ll never need to travel far from it.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Plains Village: 77, 90
Ruined Nether portal: -300, -292

Warm biodiversity

A Minecraft world with a Badlands biome, a Stony Peaks mountain, and a Jungle biome with a Jungle Temple
Screenshot by Gameskinny
  • Seed: 1099470118337667383
  • Version: Java
  • Spawn: -18, 49
  • Biome: Forest, Stony Peaks, Sparse Jungle

Can’t decide on which biome you want to explore? It’s nothing to worry about because this seed has three of them right at Spawn! The scenery is unique, breathtaking, and full of resources that are ripe for the taking. If you’re feeling adventurous, there’s a Jungle Temple filled with treasures and a cluster of Warm Ocean Ruins to excavate.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Jungle Temple: 38, -185
Shipwreck: 68, 38
Large Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster: 131, 10

Ancient Cities and Cherry Grove villages

Three Plains Villages around a Cherry Grove mountain in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny
  • Seed: 5305304
  • Version: Java
  • Spawn: -9, -9
  • Biome: Plains

I love to settle down in a cozy little village when I’m not dealing with the dangers of the open world. You’ll spawn in a quaint village that has cherry blossom trees throughout it. It also has an Iron Golem for added protection, making it the perfect place to start in. You’ll have two other Plains Villages around this large Cherry Grove as well as two Ancient Cities beneath the same area.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Plains Village 1: 0, 20
Plains Village 2: -174, 23
Plains Village 3: 344, -160
Ancient City 1: -176, -42, -200
Ancient City 2: 229, -45, -320

Plains Village home in Woodland Mansion

A Plains Village home inside of a Minecraft Woodland Mansion
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This Woodland Mansion is one of the most unusual and comedic seeds on our list. There is a Plains Village right next to the Mansion that has generated one of its homes inside of the Mansion’s roof. I’m not sure how the villagers feel about this, but you can check this glitch out while exploring the area.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Woodland Mansion with Plains Village home: -996, -484
Ruined Nether portal: -909, -586

That’s it for our list of the best Minecraft 1.20.1 seeds. Check out more Minecraft articles right here, including a huge catalog of awesome seeds for PC, PS4|5, Xbox One|S|X, and Nintendo Switch!

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