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Alan Wake 2: How to Complete the Subway Summoning Ritual

Choose the right story themes to create a new reality in Alan Wake 2's subway level.

Not everything is as it seems in Remedy’s survival-horror sequel. Indeed, you’ll make use of trippy, mind-bending powers as you progress through the game’s chapters, experiencing certain ceremonies along the way. Here’s how to complete the subway summoning ritual in Alan Wake 2.

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How to do the Subway Summoning Ritual in Alan Wake 2

You can complete the Subway Summoning Ritual in Alan Wake 2 by using the Summoning Ritual theme in the Collapsed Tunnel. That’s easier said than done, as you’ll notice in the map image below:

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What to do at End of the Line to Get the Theme

Long story short, the Subway level is somewhat confusing due to dark tunnels and twisting passageways. I personally experienced a couple of notable bugs here, such as points of interest that remained on the map after being found. Coincidentally, I also ended up backtracking and feeling lost as I was looking for collectibles.

In any case, your main goal is to reach the End of the Line section, which also has its own scene. Once there, open the Writer’s Room and choose the Murder Cult theme for End of the Line. This causes an Echo to appear. Try to move sideways while you’re close to the dark orb so that the “eclipse” effect triggers. An Alex Casey monologue will trigger, which grants you the Alan Wake 2 Summoning Ritual theme/option.

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How to Return to the Collapsed Tunnel

At this point, I thought I had gotten lost, since the game didn’t really tell me where to go next. Eventually, though, I figured it out. Here’s a quick summary:

  • With End of the Line: Summoning Ritual active, keep to the right as you go back to the other side of the tunnel.
  • You’ll pass through a couple of chambers to your right, then climb up the stone steps.
  • Miraculously, you’ll find yourself back at the main tunnel (i.e. the first save point in this section).
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All that’s left is to make your way back to the Collapsed Tunnel scene, which you accessed earlier. Switch it to the Summoning Ritual theme, and be ready for what comes next. I won’t spoil all the details, but you better make a run for it.

That’s everything you need to know about how to complete the Subway Summoning Ritual in Alan Wake 2. For other tips and tactics, like an explainer on the various ways to heal or how to get more charges for your flashlight, click the links or visit our AW2 guides hub.

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