Thankfully, we only have to deal with one camp map for the Winter event this year. I’m sure you’re eager to get to shooting, so let’s get right to where to find all the dancing snowmen in Camp Woodwind for the Phasmophobia Holiday Event 2023.
All Camp Woodwind Snowman Locations During the Phasmophobia Holiday Event 2023
Camp Woodwind contains the second-lowest number of dancing snowmen to find during the Phasmo Winter Event 2023, which makes sense since the map is tiny. It’s easy enough to find most of them, but some are a little trickier to spot. Unlike the other guides I’ve written on this event, this one doesn’t include a numbered map because Woodwind is so small. Still, I’ve made this as easy to follow as can be.
You have to complete the Mysterious Parts step of the event to get your hands on an exclusive snowball gun, which you’ll be using to shoot snowmen over the course of the event. Once you find and shoot every snowman on a map, a special seasonal hunt will trigger. Even if you die to the hunt, it will still count as a clear for that map as long as you’ve gotten all the event snowmen.
How Many Snowmen Are There During the Holiday Event?
There are a total of 277 dancing snowmen to find over the course of this event. Here at Camp Woodwind, you’ll be seeking out 34. Willow Street also has 34 to find. You can find 36 in Tanglewood, meanwhile Ridgeview Court and Edgefield Road both have 38 snowmen to hunt down. Grafton Farmhouse has 55 and Bleasdale Farmhouse holds 42 snowmen. It’s a lot to do, but who can resist seasonal cosmetics?

Snowmen Outside Camp Woodwind
You can find four dancing snowmen before you even open the gate to Camp Woodwind. Two are pictured here from the van. The third can be seen if you turn left and look down to find it hiding behind a tree. The fourth one is on top of the van when you turn around to look at it.

Picnic Tables by the Gate
You can find three dancing snowmen at and around the picnic tables to the left of the gate when you first enter.

Around the Campfire
There are 10 Winter event snowmen around the campfire, though some are just in the vicinity and not directly around it. You’ll find one on a fence post sort of behind one of the white tents, one in one white tent and two in another, one atop a tent, two around the campfire, one on the campfire, one on a nearby tree stump, and the last on a nearby grill. All are circled in the above image.

You’ll find three Phasmophobia Christmas Event 2023 snowmen in and on the restroom next to the campfire. Two are in the shower stalls as pictured above, and one’s right on the roof as you come in.

Red Tent Area
I found one dancing snowman in the red tent area next to the restrooms, dancing on top of the adjacent aqua tent.

Blue Towel Hangout Area
There are four snowmen found here, and they’re all very easy to spot. Looks like they’re having a good time! Until you shoot them, anyway.

Out of Bounds Behind the Blue Towels
You can spot three snowmen out of bounds behind the blue towels. They’re easy to spot. Frankly, I can’t blame them for hanging out in the woods if there’s a ghost in the camp.

Blue Tent Area
You can find three Holiday event snowmen in and near the blue tent. Two are pictured here, and the third is standing atop a log pile to the left of the tent.

Yellow Tent
There’s one dancing snowman in the yellow tent, right there on a table.

White Tent Area
You’ll find two dancing snowmen in and around the white tent. One is inside the tent on a foldable chair, and the other is on top of the light post directly next to it outside.
But for now, that’s it for where to find all the Phasmophobia Holiday Event 2023 Camp Woodwind snowmen. Check out some of our other Phasmo guides, and have fun with the event!
Published: Dec 12, 2023 02:47 pm